LCTI: Lift Line Paratransit Dial-a-Ride Electric Vehicle Transition Program
Clean Mobility Options Legacy Pilot Project
Community Bridges Lift Line | Lift Line Paratransit Dial-A-Ride Electric Vehicle Transition Program
March 2018 – August 2023
Project Details
Lift Line Paratransit Dial-A-Ride Electric Vehicle Transition Program replaced two existing gas-powered shuttles with three, electric vehicle (EV) shuttles equipped with wheelchair lifts. The shuttles are charged by two, publicly accessible Level II charging stations installed at the Lift Line fleet facility in Watsonville, CA. The project covers operation costs for three shuttle drivers and electric bus operations training.
Project Highlights
- The EV shuttles are the first all-electric paratransit vehicles to be deployed in Santa Cruz County.
- Free rides are available for Santa Cruz County low-income senior and disabled members requiring door-to-door transportation to medical appointments, food access points (meal sites, food banks, and grocery stores), pharmacies, and banks.
- Most trips are for medical purposes (62 percent).
Lessons Learned
- An EV order can take longer than expected to fill.
- Breakdowns and repairs can take longer because of specialized parts, which must be ordered through the manufacturer, and often repairs cannot take place at local shops.
Funding Details
Grant Amount: $515,819
Resource Contributions: $154,284
Project Total: $670,103
By the Numbers
Services, Vehicles & Equipment Funded
- Three paratransit buses, two 2019 Ford E450 Zero-Emissions Utility Shuttles one 2022 Ford E450 Titan Metro-link Electric Paratransit bus.
- 2 Level II EV charging stations (capable of charging four electric vehicles simultaneously)
- 900+ approved riders
- 7,733 one-way trips taken
- Over 26,217 vehicle miles traveled
- At least 4 community events
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- GHG emission reductions: 73MTCO2e
- NOx reductions: 76 lbs
- PM2.5 reductions: 21 lbs
- ROG reductions: 15 lbs
- Fossil fuel-based transportation fuel use reductions: 2,586 gallons
- Direct Jobs: 1
- Indirect Jobs: 1
- Induced Jobs: 1
Community Details
Lift Line’s Paratransit Dial-A-Ride Electric Vehicle Program offers free rides for Santa Cruz County low-income senior and disabled members requiring door-to-door transportation to medical appointments, food access points (meal sites, food banks, and grocery stores), pharmacies, and banks. Rider demographics are as follows: the majority of riders are White or Caucasian, with 51% English speakers, 45% Latinx and Spanish speakers, 1% Asian, 1% Native American, 1% Hawaiian, and 1% Other English speakers. Additionally, 62% of riders are older adults or seniors, 26% are wheelchair users and 12% have other disabilities such as vision impairment, hearing loss, or physical mobility problems.
Project Participant Demographic Information
70% Hispanic or Latino, 25% White, 3% Asian, 1% Black or African American, and 2% Other
Median Household Income: $61,719
Community Benefits
Community Bridges Lift Line Paratransit Dial-a-Ride Electric Vehicle Transition Program’s goal is to continue to provide free door-to-door rides for low-income seniors and people with disabilities. The program will provide services using a zero-emission electric shuttle bus. The key benefit of this project is to assist participants’ stability and independence by providing free rides to meet their essential needs.
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Project webpage
- Social media
- E-communications
- Mailers
- Flyers and brochures
- Community events
- Raffles
- Incentivized surveys (e.g., bike giveaway)
Target Populations
- Low-income residents
- Disadvantaged communities
- Older adults
- People with disabilities
- Residents without access to a vehicle
Partnership Structure
Lift Line Paratransit Dial-a-Ride Electric Vehicle Transition Project is administered by the community-based-organization, Community Bridges Lift Line. Dial-a-Ride Transition will allow Lift Line a zero-emission electric shuttle bus equipped with an ADA wheel chair lift and electrical infrastructure. The electric shuttle bus will provide vital rides for low-income seniors and disabled Watsonville residents, reaching those in disproportionately affected areas.
Project Partners
General Inquiries | (831) 688-9663 | Community Bridges Lift Line