LCTI: Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan
Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP)
Planning and Capacity Building Grant
Isla Vista Community Services District | Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan
June 2021 – March 2024
Project Details
The Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan involves developing an equity-based, community mobility plan for the low-income, unincorporated community of Isla Vista in South Santa Barbara County. The goal of this planning effort is to empower Isla Vista residents, namely non-college students, to identify gaps in their mobility ecosystem, experiment with solutions, and develop a list of priority projects that will increase access to an equitable, affordable, sustainable, and safe multimodal transportation system. The plan will be created based on deep community outreach, pop-ups, and demonstration projects.

Funding Details
Grant Amount: $182,158
Resource Contributions: $29,928
Project Total: $212,086
By the Numbers
Planned Community Engagement Activities
- 1 Transportation Town Hall with bidirectional simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and English
- 1 Mobility Plan Workshop with bidirectional simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English, and Mandarin
- 1 Public Workshop to present the draft plan with bidirectional simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, English, and Mandarin
- 1 Pop-Up Demonstration Event
- 1 Lighting Walk Event
- Over 1,000 Mobility Survey Responses
- Monthly Project Steering Committee meetings
Estimated Quantifiable Benefits
- Direct Jobs: 1
- Induced Jobs: 1
Community Details
Isla Vista is a small, densely populated, unincorporated, low-income community surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on one side and the University of California, Santa Barbara campus. Of a population of about 18,500, 86% are 18-24 years old and 97% are renters. 15% (800) are family households (2,800 people), half have children. 68% of residents make $35,000 per year or less, including 45% of the family households.
Isla Vista is home to 24 parks, an elementary school, and other destinations. While bus service is robust and bicycle mode share is high, mobility options are not evenly accessible to all residents. Services prioritize the needs of college students, and leave low-income Latinx families, K-12 aged youth, seniors, and residents with disabilities with less than ideal transportation modes. Gaps in Isla Vista’s sidewalk network limit safe and easy paths of travel for residents of all ages and abilities. In addition, the lack of secure bicycle parking results in a high rate of bicycle theft.
Demographics of Community Served by Project
53% White, 23% Hispanic/Latino, 15% Asian, 5% Black/African American, and 4% Other
Median Household Income: $66,266
Community Benefits
The Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan will work directly with frontline communities in Isla Vista to identify the most desirable clean transportation solutions that can meet their mobility needs and align with the character of their community. This effort will help advance solutions that improve transportation equity for residents and create a transportation equity-focused plan that can be leveraged to bring additional resources to Isla Vista. A well-crafted Isla Vista Community Mobility Plan will lay the important groundwork to create a community with a complete sidewalk network, the ability to safely own and maintain a bicycle or skateboard, and the ability to easily rent an affordable shared bike, scooter, or other clean micro-mobility, as well as shared-mobility options and other transportation solutions as identified by the community. The project team’s vision imagines an Isla Vista where these other mobility options are so convenient and flexible that owning a car is not a necessity.
Outreach & Engagement Strategies
- Project webpage
- Canvassing
- Flyers and direct mailers
- Social media
- Weekly-monthly tabling
- Pop-ups and demonstration projects
- Focus groups
- Family-friendly community events
- Public workshops with participant incentives
Target Populations
- Low-income families
- Non-English speakers
- K-12 aged youth
- College students
Partnership Structure
The Isla Vista Community Services District (IVCSD) aims to improve the resources available to the community, ensure a high quality of life and level of public safety, and provide a local voice to the people of Isla Vista. In addition to overseeing and managing all project elements, IVCSD, known for exceptional grassroots community engagement, will also play a lead role in conducting project outreach, and coordinating the project team and steering committee meetings.
- Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (SBMTD)
- County of Santa Barbara (COSB)
- Isla Vista Youth Projects (IVYP)
Community Partners
- Independent Living Resource Center (ILRC)
- Coalition for Sustainable Transportation (COAST)
- UC Santa Barbara Office of Sustainability
- Cool Block/Empowerment Institute
- Community Environmental Council (CEC)
- Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG)
- Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition (SBBike)
- Housing Authority of the County of Santa Barbara (HACSB)
- Isla Vista Food Cooperative (IVFC)
Jonathan Abboud | (805) 770-2752 ext. 0 | IVCSD