Kerry Ingredients and Flavours Settlement
Kerry Ingredients and Flavours Case Settles for $133,600
California’s Refrigerant Management Program regulation (RMP Regulation) requires owners of stationary refrigeration systems with a full charge of greater than or equal to 200 pounds, but less than 2,000 pounds, of a high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant to register all systems subject to the regulation by March 1, 2014 (17 CCR § 95383). Kerry Ingredients and Flavours (Kerry) owns and operates a stationary refrigeration system with a full charge of greater than or equal to 200 pounds, but less than 2,000 pounds, of a high GWP refrigerant in Union City, California.
Kerry violated the regulation by failing to register their refrigeration system in accordance with the RMP Regulation requirements. Kerry agreed to pay penalties of $133,600.