"Hot Spots" Software
HARP Risk Assessment Software
The "HotSpots" Analysis and Reporting Program (HARP) streamlines the emissions inventory, prioritization, and risk assessment requirements of the "Hot Spots" Program. All information and procedures in the OEHHA risk assessment guidelines (see Risk Assessment) are included in the integrated software.
Air Dispersion Models
Air Dispersion Models are computer models used to estimate the downwind concentration of a pollutant emitted from a facility. The concentrations obtained from dispersion modeling is a key component to assessing the potential health impacts of a facility's emissions to the public. A pollutant's concentration is estimated through air dispersion modeling by evaluating the quantity of emissions, release parameters at the source, such as the stack diameter, stack height, stack gas release temperature, exit velocity, and appropriate meteorological data.
CATEF (California Air Toxic Emission Factor Database)
For questions or comments contact Emission Inventory Branch.