Home Depot USA, Inc. Case Settlement, 2017
Home Depot USA, Inc. Case Settles for $83,500
On December 6, 2017, a Consumer Products case was settled with Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. for selling and/or supplying non-compliant as specified in Title 17, CCR, Section 94509. The violations were uncovered by ARB Enforcement Division staff on August 8, 2016, during a routine inspection of a Home Depot retail location in Sacramento, California.
A subsequent investigation revealed that between June 2016 and September 2016, Home Depot USA supplied a non-compliant automotive windshield washer fluid product in California that was in violation of VOC limits specified in ARB’s Consumer Product Regulations. The sale of the product resulted in 0.66 tons of excess VOC emissions, and the product was sold, supplied, or offered for sale over 99 consecutive days.
Previous violations for the sale of non-compliant windshield washer fluid product by Home Depot USA were considered during the settlement negotiations. Home Depot USA has since stopped selling the product and has agreed to enhance its processes regarding windshield washer fluid products from the supplier to reduce the risk of offering non-compliant windshield washer fluid products in the future..
Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. paid $83,500 to settle this case, which represents a penalty of approximately $843 per day the product was sold, supplied, or offered for sale.