Guidelines for Accessing Public Records
The public has a right under the state Public Records Act and the California Constitution to access public information maintained by public agencies, including the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The following are guidelines for accessing public records at CARB.
Direct Your Request to the Public Records Coordinator
CARB's Public Records Coordinator is responsible for facilitating responses to all public records requests. If you direct your request to the Public Records Coordinator, it makes it easier for us to track and process your request more promptly. Contact the Public Records Coordinator by mail or e-mail at:
CARB Public Records Coordinator
Legal Office
P.O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA 95812
Email: prareqst@arb.ca.gov
Written Requests Encouraged
CARB encourages, but does not require, requests for records to be made in writing. When requests are made orally, CARB may confirm the request in writing to ensure we have correctly understood your request.
Identifying Records
In order to help CARB provide records promptly, you should provide specific information about the records you seek. When a record cannot be identified by name, you should attempt to be as specific as possible in describing the record, based on its content. When a request is not sufficiently specific, CARB staff will try to help you to identify the record, describe how the records are maintained and their physical location, and provide suggestions on how to overcome any practical barriers to disclosure.
Inspection of Public Records
Public records maintained by CARB are available for inspection during regular business hours, 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. Members of the public are not required to give notice to request inspection of public records at CARB offices during normal working hours. However if the request requires the retrieval, review or redaction of records, members of the public should contact the Public Records Coordinator at the contact information listed above to establish a mutually agreeable time for inspection of the records. To prevent records from being lost, damaged or destroyed during an inspection, CARB employees may determine the location of, and may monitor, the inspection. Requests for Statements of Economic Interests, Public Records Guidelines, and CARB publications usually can be provided quickly. Requests for records may take more time because the records must be located and reviewed. Please also note that numerous CARB databases, fact sheets/FAQs, videos, past board hearing transcripts, and state-wide air quality data are available on our website.
Processing Requests for Copies of Records
When a copy of a record is requested, and the record cannot be produced immediately, CARB will determine within 10 days after receipt of the request, whether it has records responsive to the request, and will inform the you of its decision and the reasons for the decision. Please note the 10-day period mentioned is not a deadline for producing records. The initial 10-day period may be extended for up to an additional 14 days if CARB needs to:
- Communicate with field offices.
- Inspect voluminous records.
- Consult with other divisions or agencies.
- Construct a computer report to extract data.
Whenever possible, CARB will provide records at the time the determination is made to disclose them. If immediate disclosure is not possible, CARB will provide an estimated date when the records will be available, and will endeavor to provide the records within a reasonable period of time.
Copying Fees
CARB may charge the direct cost of duplication when it provides copies of records to the public ($.10 cents per page). The direct cost of duplication includes the pro rata expense of the duplicating/scanning equipment and the staff (salary/benefits) required to make a copy of the record. Direct cost of duplication does not include CARB staff time in researching, retrieving, redacting and mailing the record. When the CARB must compile electronic data, extract information from an electronic record, or undertake computer programming to satisfy a request, CARB may require you, the public, to bear the full costs, not just the direct cost of duplication.
CARB will provide access to all public records upon request unless the law provides an exemption from disclosure. Examples of records exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act include, but are not limited to: certain personnel records, investigative records, drafts, confidential legal advice, trade secrets, records prepared in connection with litigation, and information that may be kept confidential pursuant to other state or federal law. CARB may remove or redact confidential information from the record and disclose the remainder of the record.
Identification of Requesters
CARB personnel will not require that you provide identification to inspect records, or your reasons for wanting to inspect records. However, if records are to be picked up, emailed to you, or sent to you via regular mail, relevant identifying information must be provided. Persons wishing to enter the CalEPA building must comply with security protocols, including providing identification to security personnel.
Statement of Economic Interest
These forms can be provided by the Public Records Coordinator by calling (279) 208-7317 or emailing prareqst@arb.ca.gov, If you have any Statement of Economic Interest related inquiries, please contact the Conflict of Interest Officer at ConflictOfInterest@arb.ca.gov.