Great Dane Settlement
Great Dane Settles For Zero Penalty With Compliance Plan
Great Dane, of Chicago, Illinois, manufactures and sells refrigerated trailers using foam blowing agents to insulate the trailer interiors. Great Dane self-reported shortages in compliant foam blowing agent due to a force majeure event. Great Dane will violate the California SNAP Regulation by selling, leasing, renting, using, or entering into commerce in the State of California, an HFC-245fa foam blowing agent in the end-use category of “Rigid Polyurethane: Commercial Refrigeration and Sandwich Panels” due to this force majeure event. In July 2021, they signed a Settlement Agreement with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) since there are no suitable alternative foam blowing agents that would work in their trailers.
Great Dane has incorporated a compliance plan to mitigate emissions associated with noncompliance through October of 2021. The penalty amount is $10,000 per day, subject to mitigation terms not being met.