General Motors LLC Settlement
General Motors LLC Settles Emissions Case For $110,090
In March 2022, General Motors LLC (GM), of Detroit, Michigan, settled several emissions-related violations with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that impacted 436 gasoline engines from GM’s 2018 model year engine family JGMXE06.0584 (engine model L96). The company voluntarily disclosed these violations to CARB in 2018, which were for the use of unapproved test procedures and the application of unapproved changes to the subject certified engines.
GM’s self-disclosure, and subsequent cooperation and mitigation efforts to address the violations, resulted in an equitable resolution of the case for an assessed civil penalty of $110,090. The full settlement amount will be paid to CARB’s Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality.