Submission Number: 665
Submission ID: 9436
Submission UUID: 92c74ca1-1a4d-4ddf-b0b5-a13f5208776e

Created: Wed, 04/10/2024 - 20:56
Completed: Wed, 04/10/2024 - 20:58
Changed: Tue, 04/23/2024 - 10:16

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes

Submitted Comment
Scott Hedderich
Nuseed, Americas
LCFS Workshop April 10th

I am enclosing a written version of the oral comments I would have made, had the workshop gone longer.

First, I applaud staff for allowing the individuals who traveled from SFO and LAX to speak first. It was not only a kind gesture, but appropriate. With that said, there were likely over 900 participants between on-line and in the room (as identified at one point by staff). It would have seemed appropriate to either let the workshop run beyond the 4pm end time, or clearly identify a second day for participants.

These workshops are an opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue with staff on the proposals being prepared for the Board. That discussion improves both understanding as well as the final regulatory product itself. Setting a hard cut-off time for the meeting, and then arbitrarily reducing the time for on-line participants to speak artificially limits that discourse and ultimately serves as disservice to all involved.

Second, this has been a large and very well documented undertaking. Staff should feel proud of the work product developed and they should be commended for the engagement that has occurred. It bears repeating: staff should be commended for their work on the LCFS updates.

Lastly, Nuseed will be providing more detailed written comments before the May 10 deadline