Submitted Comment Name Kenneth Johnson Affiliation Climate Reality Project: Silicon Valley Chapter Subject Response to Western States Petroleum Association Message In the last several Cap-and-Trade workshops, CARB has been considering allowance budget scenarios based on a 40%, 48%, or 55% reduction target in 2030. In response to the October 5, 2023 workshop, CARB received 57 comment letters, of which four recommended the 55% target, eight recommended 48%, and one (from WSPA) recommended 40%. These comments are directed to CARB, WSPA, and other stakeholders to address some of the concerns raised by WSPA in its letter, and to point out that (1) the feasibility concerns raised by WSPA have previously been addressed by the AB 398 price ceiling, and (2) the carbon price is less important than Cap-and-Trade revenue allocation in mitigating economic impacts such as leakage and high gasoline prices. File Upload (i.e., Attachments): Response_to_WSPA.pdf
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