Submitted Comment Name Cindy McCarthy Affiliation Citizen and voter in California Subject Factory Farm Gas proposal in Low Carbon Fuel Standards Message Exclude Factory Farm Gas from California’s “Low Carbon Fuel Standard” legislation: To include this would create and bolster incentives to generate more methane gas! And at a time, ironically, when we have come to realize its massive deleterious effects on the earth’s health. Inherently harmful, the methane incentive would additionally, reward Chinese-based Smithfield and Brazilian -based JBS for their pollution! We would be paying them to pollute more! This would also harm California farmers by consolidating corporate farming snd bringing prices down by flooding the market even further than currently. Our factory-farming is a deplorable industry already, so cruel and embarrassing as a enlightened population - California must do what it does best: LEAD THE NATION , remain in the vanguard showing and teaching the moral way to live. Thank you for your attention, Cindy McCarthy File Upload (i.e., Attachments): N/A
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