Fiat Powertrain Technologies Industrial S.p.A Case Settlement
Fiat Powertrain Technologies Industrial S.p.A Case Settles for $6,415,000
Fiat Powertrain Technologies Industrial S.p.A (FPT), an Italian-based manufacturer of both on- and off-road diesel engines for industrial vehicles, resolved its emissions-related case with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in March 2019. This case resulted from the company self-disclosing in 2015 to CARB that it had implemented unapproved repairs and modifications to on-road engines it certified with CARB during the 2011 through 2014 model years. These repairs were intended to address an oil leakage problem occurring in these engines. FPT further disclosed that year that it had also certified 2014 through 2016 model year off-road engines using incorrect emission data. During its consequent investigation of these violations, several others were discovered by CARB. FPT cooperated fully throughout the investigation, and was forthcoming during its discussions with CARB staff.
In total, these violations affected almost 2,000 on- and off-road engines. As part of its settlement with CARB, FPT paid $2,000,000 of the $6,415,000 total penalty to a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) titled the “Installation of Air Filtration Systems in Sensitive Receptor Facilities in Bay Area Care Communities.” The Bay Area Air Quality Management District will administer this SEP. FPT must also implement a full recall of vehicles equipped with the on-road engines in order to correct the oil leakage issues, and warrant the replaced parts for one year. Lastly, FPT must conduct additional in-use and on-board diagnostic testing on several repaired vehicles and submit those results to CARB.
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