F3 Systems Inc. Settlement
F3 Systems Inc. Case Settles for $8,600
F3 Systems Inc. will pay $8,600.00 in penalties for violating air quality regulations: $6,450.00 will go to the Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality; $2,150.00 will go to the School Bus Retrofit Project to retrofit school buses throughout California with diesel emission control strategies. This settlement was reached in December 21, 2016.
An investigation by the Air Resources Board (ARB) showed that F3 Systems Inc: (1) failed to properly self-inspect their diesel trucks to ensure the trucks met state smoke emission standards; (2) failed to report all vehicles with engines subject to the regulation for which the fleet owner has elected to utilize the compliance options of 13 CCR § 2025(p)(4); and (3) failed to include the Disclosure of Regulation Applicability on the bill of sales, contract addendums, or invoices, in violation of 13 CCR § 2025(w). To settle the case, F3 Systems Inc. has agreed to the $8,600.00 penalty and to comply with the Truck and Bus regulation and other CARB applicable regulations.