MS525: Compliance Overview : Truck & Bus, Off-Road Regulation, and Portable Equipment
This course discusses the basics of compliance with CARB's Truck and Bus Rule, GHG Rule, Off-Road Vehicle Regulation and registration requirements for portable equipment (PERP and ATCM).
Topics covered:
Truck and Bus Rule: Applicability; Engine Model Year Schedule, and an Overview of Compliance Options that are available for 2021 and a review of Online Reporting (TRUCRS).
GHG Rule: Applicability and Compliance Schedules including upcoming deadlines for compliance 2021 and beyond.
Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation: Applicability; Current Requirements; and Future Compliance Deadlines. For more comprehensive training about off-road vehicle requirements, please attend Course #504.
Portable Equipment: PERP Eligibility; Program Requirements; ATCM Fleet Average, Inspections & Enforcement.
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