Incentive Program Advisory Group Public Meeting for April 20, 2022
Notice of Incentive Program Advisory Group (IPAG) Public Meeting to Consider Updates to the Carl Moyer Program for On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles as Electrification Transition Accelerates
Invitation to Participate
The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) invites you to participate in a public meeting of the Incentives Program Advisory Group (IPAG) to consider updates to the Carl Moyer Program for on-road heavy-duty vehicles as vehicle electrification increases in many sectors. We are eager to engage with stakeholders to consider how the program can best support this transition. [This meeting was previously noticed with an emphasis on the Carl Moyer Program On-Road Voucher Incentive Program (VIP); this notice further clarifies its purpose]. This public process will be led by Vice Chair Sandra Berg and Board members Davina Hurt and Gideon Kracov. During last November’s CARB Board Hearing, staff heard strong interest from several board members in helping further accelerate zero-emission vehicles and equity work in the Carl Moyer Program for on-road heavy-duty vehicles.
The IPAG will explore and welcome ideas on key issues, including providing greater support and access for small fleets and small businesses statewide, improving the environmental justice performance of the program, and accelerating zero emission truck funding while better partnering vehicle adoption with infrastructure expansion. The IPAG will provide a forum for discussing these policy level issues, including exploring potential updates for on-road heavy-duty projects in the Carl Moyer Program and it's On-Road VIP, which is one of the key tools for small fleets.
Date: April 20, 2022
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom Webinar/Teleconference
Please register for the webinar using the link at the bottom of this page.
The Carl Moyer Program For On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles and the On-Road Voucher Incentive Program (VIP)
This meeting will welcome feedback and ideas on improvements to these programs that can address the key issues noted above. Vehicle electrification is accelerating, and CARB is eager to ensure these programs work well for key stakeholders.
The Carl Moyer Program funds a wide range of on-road heavy-duty vehicles, such as heavy-duty trucks and buses, school buses, transit vehicles, drayage trucks, solid waste collection vehicles, and emergency vehicles to name a few. Emission reductions funded through the Carl Moyer Program must be surplus, permanent, enforceable, and quantifiable in order to meet the underlying statutory provisions and creditable to the State Implementation Plan (SIP). To ensure that projects are surplus to regulations, funded projects must not be required by any federal, State, or local rule or regulation. The Carl Moyer Program has been successfully implemented through cooperative partnerships with local air districts as they review eligible applicants that can receive grants to purchase cleaner replacement vehicles, repowers, or conversions. The Carl Moyer Program has supported transitioning small and large fleets earlier than or exceed the 2010 engine emission standard of the Truck and Bus Regulation. In support of Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-79-20, which sets the goal of 100 percent of medium, and heavy-duty vehicles in the State be zero-emission by 2045 for all operations where feasible, and by 2035 for drayage trucks, the Carl Moyer Program has recently updated the grant cost-effectiveness limit for on-road heavy-duty zero-emission technology [$500,000 per weighted ton for zero-emission]. Additionally, heavy-duty vehicle projects can qualify for up to $410,000 per Class 8 zero-emission vehicle.
The On-Road Voucher Incentive Program (VIP) is part of the Carl Moyer Program and directs funding exclusively to small fleets of 10 vehicles or less. As part of VIP, eligible applicants can receive grants to purchase cleaner replacement vehicles. Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis and are notified of their eligibility within 15 business days upon receipt of their application. As part of the Carl Moyer Program, VIP has been an attractive option to support the transition of small fleets earlier than or to exceed the 2010 engine emission standard of the Truck and Bus Regulation. This year, as the final implementation deadline approaches for the Truck and Bus Regulation and in alignment with the updates to the Carl Moyer Program for on-road heavy-duty vehicles, CARB expanded VIP to allow additional funding for replacement vehicles meeting the zero-emission standard up to $410,000 per Class 8 vehicle.
Though these programs have accomplished important goals, there is more to be done as the electrification transit continues. The IPAG will hear from stakeholders on the key issues noted above - small fleets, environmental justice, and infrastructure - as they relate to the on-road Carl Moyer Program.
Since 1998, the Carl Moyer Program has reduced criteria pollutant emissions, including oxides of nitrogen (NOx), reactive organic gases (ROG) that contribute to ozone formation, and particulate matter (PM). The Carl Moyer Program provides grants that fund up to the incremental cost of cleaner-then-required engines, whether equipment or vehicles, and emission reduction technology. The projects must yield emission reductions above and beyond, or before, what is required by regulation and are constrained by cost effectiveness limits for projects meeting the required emission standard (e.g., at least a certified 0.2 grams per brake horsepower-hour NOx standard), an optional advanced technology standard (e.g., at least a certified 0.02 grams per brake horsepower-hour NOx standard), or a zero-emission standard. Emission reductions produced by Carl Moyer Program-funded projects must be creditable in the State Implementation Plan (SIP). The Carl Moyer Program has filled a critical niche in California’s strategy to achieve clean air and complements California’s regulatory programs by funding emission reductions that are surplus.
IPAG Public Meeting for April 20, 2022
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the workshop. Please use the link and password to join the workshop the morning of the meeting. If you are using a tablet or smart phone, please download the Zoom app. Ensure the latest version of Zoom is installed on your device.
Staff’s presentation, and any additional webinar related documents, will be made available on CARB’s website.
Although the meeting is open to the public, we would appreciate interested participants registering prior to the meeting. If you require a special accommodation or need this document in an alternate format (i.e. Braille, large print) or another language, please contact Sondra Wynne, Air Resources Engineer at as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days before the scheduled event/meeting.