Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation Workgroup on Waste Fleet Provisions
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) invites you to participate in a virtual public workgroup meeting to discuss the proposed Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) regulation as a follow-up to the first Board hearing held October 27, 2022. At the hearing, the Board directed staff to work with waste hauler and wastewater fleets that are diverting and processing organic waste to fuel existing trucks to meet the requirements of Senate Bill (SB) 1383 to provide more time to transition to a zero-emission fleet.
At the meeting, staff will discuss options on how to better align objectives to transition waste hauler and fleets to zero-emissions and existing efforts to reduce in-state organic waste disposal. Organic waste diversion is critical to reducing emissions towards achieving the state’s climate goals and the proposed ACF regulation is critical to achieving both the state’s air quality and climate objectives.
Workgroup Registration
This meeting will be held at the CalEPA Headquarters - Coastal Hearing Room as well as remotely on Zoom. Registration required to participate on the Zoom platform.