The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) staff announces the release of the Revised Draft 2020 Mobile Source Strategy and updated Mobile Emissions Toolkit for Analysis (META), and invites you to participate in a public workshop on Thursday, May 6, 2021. California has many air quality, climate, and community risk reduction goals to achieve over the next thirty years. CARB staff has developed the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy (2020 Strategy) to determine the pathways forward for the various mobile sectors that are necessary in order to achieve California’s goals. During the workshop, staff will walk through the contents of the Revised Draft 2020 Strategy and highlight updates that have been made due to Board direction since the November 2020 release, including an overview of new mobile source control programs that will benefit disadvantaged communities. The public can ask questions, engage in discussions, and learn more about the 2020 Strategy and CARB’s efforts on reducing emissions from mobile sources.
Zoom Webinar Details
The public webinar will be held on Zoom with an available call-in option. The meeting will be conducted in English with Spanish interpretation available. Participants will be able to send written questions or comments during the meeting through Zoom.
Call-In Number: (888) 273-3658
Access Code: 678244