Tesoro Refining & Marketing LLC Settlement, 2018
Settlement Date
Junio 2018
Enforcement Division Web Administrator
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Tesoro Refining & Marketing Case Settles for $1,365,000
For several years Tesoro Refining & Marketing LLC (Tesoro) misreported CARBOB, ULSD, biodiesel and ethanol volumes in its quarterly and annual LCFS reports, in violation of the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (Cal. Code Regs, tit. 17, § 95494(b)). Tesoro self-disclosed the errors, explaining that the violations resulted from errors in its data acquisition system. Tesoro’s errors resulted in the improper reporting of large fuel volumes. Tesoro improved its data acquisition system to prevent these errors from re-occurring. Tesoro fully cooperated with CARB in this matter and agreed to pay $1,365,000.
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News Release
Tesoro Refining & Marketing LLC Settlement Agreement