Past Updates: Minimizing Community Health Impacts from Freight
Staff Informational Update at March 2018 Board Meeting
At the March 2018 Board Meeting, staff provided an informational update on actions to minimize emissions and community health impacts from freight facilities. This update described staff’s evaluation of potential concepts to reduce emissions from large freight facilities, including Indirect Source Review (ISR) rules and other measures capable of achieving similar levels of emission reductions. Staff proposed a path forward with additional CARB regulations and other actions, beyond those included in the State Implementation Plan (SIP), to further cut emissions. Such actions may require earlier implementation in the most impacted communities or regions. Finally, staff proposed to provide an annual update to the Board on freight activities to reflect the latest developments.
Staff provided revised advance materials (English and Spanish) prior to the March 2018 Board Meeting for discussion purposes.
View the presentation to the Board: English and Spanish.
View Comments submitted through the Board Meeting comments log.
Staff Informational Update at April 2015 Board Meeting
At the April 2015 Board Meeting, staff presented the Sustainable Freight Pathways to Zero and Near-Zero Discussion Document (Discussion Document) . The Discussion Document set out CARB's vision of a clean freight system and immediate and potential near-term CARB actions that staff developed for Board consideration or Executive Officer implementation to address localized health impacts, attainment of air quality standards, and climate goals. The Document created the framework for and initial set of actions which informed development of the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan.