LOCATION: California Environmental Protection Agency, Sierra Hearing Room, 2nd Floor, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, California 95814
EMAIL NOTICES: If you would like to receive notices of future meetings and the availability of materials, please sign up for our NEW email distribution list Health Analysis in Climate Change Regulations.
The 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update Resolution 17-46 requires CARB to work with CDPH, OEHHA, and other state agencies to establish a timeline and an action plan to better integrate health analysis broadly into the design and implementation of the State’s climate change programs with the goal of maximizing health benefits. To begin this process, staff from CARB, CDPH, and OEHHA developed an initial framework, which will be discussed at the workshop.
Presentations at the workshop will provide information on health risk factors and major areas of concern regarding public health in California, and how this information was used to develop the framework. The presentations are designed as a starting point for discussion at the workshop, and representatives from all three agencies will be present at the workshop to respond to your questions and comments.
Presentation materials, including the agenda, will be posted below, no later than July 12, 2018.