Transforming Cars for Cleaner Air
CARB has been a leader in developing programs designed to reduce emissions from mobile sources. Mobile sources account for well over half of the emissions which contribute to ozone and particulate matter and nearly 40 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in California. In order to meet California's health based air quality standards and greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, the cars we drive and the fuel we use must be transformed away from petroleum.
Although significant strides have been made toward improving California’s air quality, health-based state and federal air quality standards continue to be exceeded in regions throughout California. In addition, climate change continues to pose a serious threat to the economic well-being, public health, natural resources, and environment of California. By combining control of all relevant pollutants from light- and medium-duty vehicles, including greenhouse gases, the LEV regulations ensure continued improvements in vehicle technology that limit criteria pollutant emissions and reduce greenhouse gases in an effective manner.