OHRV - Red Sticker Program
History of the Red Sticker Program
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) first adopted OHRV exhaust standards in 1994, in part to reduce emissions from high emitting two-stroke OHRVs. In 1997, prior to implementation of the exhaust standards, stakeholders expressed concern regarding the availability and performance of compliant OHRVs, and access to practice areas. In 1998, after extensive collaboration with industry, the red sticker program was created. Beginning with the 2003 model year, OHRVs that do not meet emissions standards receive a red registration sticker from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). During peak ozone season, the red sticker limits operation at certain off-highway recreational vehicle parks located in non-attainment areas.
At the July 2013 Board Hearing the Board directed staff to conduct an assessment of the red sticker program. Based on the outcome of this asessment, staff worked closely with manufacturers, rider groups and other state agencies to develop regulatory amendments in 2019 to end the Red Sticker program.
Red and Green Sticker OHRVs
Check the certification database to look up OHRV models certified by CARB, their reported emissions levels (green sticker only) and the DMV registration sticker they are eligible to receive. Consult the two right columns titled "GreenSticker" and "Red Sticker in the "Executive Orders Listing" table.
Formal Regulatory Documents
- 2019 (End to the red sticker riding season)
- 2006 (Adjustment to the red sticker riding season)
- 2003 (Enforcement of red sticker riding season)
- 1998 (Establishment of the red sticker program)
Workshop Presentations
- October 23, 2018
- May 16 and 17, 2018
- April 11, 2018
- June 22, 2017
- March 6, 2014
- February 27, 2014
- December 10, 2013
OHV Commission Meetings
OHRV Red Sticker Open Riding Schedule
Red Sticker Program Evaluation Contact
Project lead: Scott Monday (916) 445-9319
Supervisor: Scott Bacon (916) 322-8949