Airborne Remote Sensing Surveys of Methane Emissions in California
Principal Investigator/Author: Riley Duren
Contractor: Carbon Mapper
Sub-contractor: Arizona State University
Contract Number: 22RD001
Project Status: Active
Relevant CARB Programs: California Methane Research Program
Topic Areas: Climate Change, mitigation
Research Summary:
This research project is a continuation of previous research projects that used airborne remote sensing to identify large, localized sources of methane emissions. For this project, the airplane flew over select regions of California during June 2023. These regions included oil and gas fields, landfills, dairies, and others in Northern, Central, and Southern California. The contractor performed the flights, processed the methane data, and provided data to CARB within a few days of each flight. The scope of this research contract does not include any follow-up actions that CARB took after receipt of the methane data.
Keywords: methane, remote sensing, plume(s), airborne research