1996 Board Resolutions
Resolutions are a document the Board uses to vote on a proposed action. After the Board approves a resolution, it will be posted within two weeks after the Board meeting.
Resolution Number | Item | Hearing Date |
96-1 | Utility Engines Amendments | January 25, 1996 |
Toxics Hot Spots Fee Regs | January 25, 1996 | |
96-3 | CaRFG Variance Amendments | January 25, 1996 |
96-4 | Proposal No. 2225-191, "Investigation of Atmospheric reactivities of Selected Stationary Source VOCs" UC Riverside $229,754 | January 25, 1996 |
96-5 | Proposal No. 2220-191, "Evaluation of Fuel Cell Reformer Emissions' Acurex Environmental Corp. $250,000 | January 25, 1996 |
96-6 | Proposal No. 2227-191, "Allergens in Paved Road Dust and Airborne Particles" CA Institute of Technology $154,266 | January 25, 1996 |
96-7 | Proposal No. 2209-190, "Energy Efficient, Ultra-Low-NOx Industrial Gas Burners" UC Irvine $225,000 | January 25, 1996 |
96-8 | Proposal No. 2229-191, "The Effects of Multi-Day Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide on Cellular Immunity: Human Macrophage Responses" UC Irvine $49,971 | January 25, 1996 |
96-9 | Proposal No. 2222-191, "Biogenic Hydrocarbon Invtntories for CA: Generation of Essential Databases" UCLA $303,703 | January 25, 1996 |
96-10 | Milt Feldstein | January 25, 1996 |
96-11 | Don Drachand | March 28-29, 1996 |
96-12 | ZEVREGS | March 28-29, 1996 |
96-13 | CO Redesignation | April 26, 1996 |
96-14 | CCAA Fee Regs | April 26, 1996 |
96-15 | Proposal No. 2230-192, "Air Pollution and Changes in Forest Nitrogen Status:" USDA Forest Service $49,967 | April 26, 1996 |
96-16 | Proposal No. 2258-192, "Impact of Reformulated Fuels on Particle and Gas-Phase Emissions from Motor Vehicles", UC Berkeley $307,825 | April 26, 1996 |
96-17 | Proposal No. 2215-191, "Characterization of Emissions from Nickel Plating", Sierra Research $37,904 | April 26, 1996 |
96-18 | Wayne Rodgers | April 26, 1996 |
96-19 | Repeal of Regs | May 30, 1996 |
96-20 | Air Basin Boundaries | May 30, 1996 |
96-21 | Proposal No. 2231-192, "Uncertainty Analyses of Chemical Mechanisms Derived From Environmental Chamber Data", UC Riverside $157,149 | May 30, 1996 |
96-22 | Proposal No. 2265-193, "Aircraft Measurements in Support of the 1997 So. CA Ozone Study" UC Davis $247,173 | May 30, 1996 |
96-23 | Proposal No. 2268-193, "Population Growth and Atmospheric Emissions in CA" UC Davis $8492.54 | May 30, 1996 |
96-24 | Proposal No. 2224-191R, "Analysis of Weekday/Weekend Differences in Ambient Air Quality & Meteorology in So Coast Air Basin" UCLA $74,648 | May 30, 1996 |
96-25 | Proposal No. 2264-193, "Total Non-Methane Organic Carbon: Development & Validation ofNew Instr., ... " UCLA $104,029 | May 30, 1996 |
96-26 | Proposal No. 2226-191, "Improvement of Speciation Profiles for Aerosol Coatings", CA Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo, $147,326 | May 30, 1996 |
96-27 | Proposal No. 2266-193, "Measurement of the Ozone Concentration Aloft by Lidar During the Episodic Monitoring Periods of 1997 So CA Ozone Study" NatlOceanic & Atmospheric Admin. $400,406 | May 30, 1996 |
96-28 | Proposal No. 2245-193, "Incorporation of Radio Transponders into Vehicular On-Board Diagnostic Stms. Sierra Research $549,994 | May 30, 1996 |
96-29 | Proposal No. 2249-193, "Measuring Concentrations of Selected Air Pollutants Inside CA Vehicles" Research Triangle Institute $3 99, 716 | May 30, 1996 |
96-30 | Proposal No. 2257-193, "Heavy-Duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Testing for Emissions Inventory" Parsons Engineering Science $855,167 | May 30, 1996 |
96-31 | Proposal No. 2237-193, "Three-Way Catalyst Tech for Off-Road Equipment Powered by Gasoline & LPG Engines" Southwest Research Inst. $411,454 | May 30, 1996 |
96-32 | Proposal No. 2260-193, "Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities, .. " AeroVironment Inc. $59,990 | May 30, 1996 |
96-33 | Proposal No. 2262-193, "Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities: Seasonal Impacts" AeroVironment $289,671 | May 30, 1996 |
96-34 | Proposal No. 2270-193 "Performance Specification Tests for Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities" Bay Area AQMD $49,950 | May 30, 1996 |
96-35 | Equipment & Process Precertification & Criteria | June 14, 1996 |
96-36 | Remove Acetone from TAC List | June 14, 1996 |
96-37 | ICAT Proposal No. 95-08-06 "Zero-VOC Industrial Maintenance Metal Coating" AeroVironment Environmental Svcs Inc.$223,002 | June 14, 1996 |
96-38 | ICAT Proposal No. 95-08-07 "Dynamically Optimized Recirculation Coupled w/ Fluidized Bed Absorption to Cost Effectively ... " Air Quality Specialists $236,389 | June 14, 1996 |
96-39 | ICAT Proposal No. 95-08-01 "Prototype Demonstration of CHA Nox Removal System for Treatment of Stationary Diesel Engine Exhaust" CHA Corp $212,676 | June 14, 1996 |
96-40 | ICAT Proposal No Injector/Intensifier System for Natural Gas Fueling of Transit Bus" Valley Detroit Diesel Allison, Inc $250,000 | June 14, 1996 |
96-41 | Hot Spots | July 25, 1996 |
96-42 | 1996-97 Research Plan | July 25, 1996 |
96-43 | John Lagarias | July 25, 1996 |
96-44 | Jim Boyd | September 26, 1996 |
96-45 | Hot Spots Fee Regs 1996-97 | September 26, 1996 |
96-46 | Stationary Source Test Methods | September 26, 1996 |
96-47 | Utility & Off-Highway Stds | September 26, 1996 |
96-48 | Proposal No. 2272-195, "Biofilter Technology for NOx Removal from Airstreams" UC Davis $50,000 | September 26, 1996 |
96-49 | Proposal No. 2278-195, "Loss of Particle Nitrate from Teflon Sampling Filters: Effects on Measured Gravimetric Mass" UC Davis $52,899 | September 26, 1996 |
96-50 | Proposal No. 2273-195, "Yields of Reactions oflntermediate Compounds Formed from the Initial Atmospheric Reactions of Selected VOCs" UC Riverside $306,870 | September 26, 1996 |
96-51 | Proposal No. 2279-195, "Refinement, Calibration, and Field Studies Involving Transportable Aerosol Time-of- Flight Mass Spectrometers" UC Riverside $596,056 | September 26, 1996 |
96-52 | Proposal No. 2271-194, "The Identities and Behavior of Multi- Functional Carbonyls in Simulated and Ambient Atmospheric Environments" UC Davis $67,329 | September 26, 1996 |
96-53 | Pollution Prevention Week | September 26, 1996 |
96-54 | Diesel Fuel Test Methods | October 24, 1996 |
96-55 | Area Designations | November 21, 1996 |
96-56 | Transport Analysis Review and Update | November 21, 1996 |
96-57 | Consumer Products Test Methods | November 21, 1996 |
96-58 | Consumer Products VOC Regs | November 21, 1996 |
96-59 | Eugene Boston | November 21, 1996 |
96-60 | OBD II Biennial review | December 12, 1996 |
96-61 | Proposal No. 2230-196, "Investigation of Processes Leading to the Formation of High Ozone Concentrations Aloft in So CA" Sonoma Technology, Inc. $378,913 | December 12, 1996 |
96-62 | Proposal No. 2299-196, "Health Effects of PM Components on Sensitive Animal Models" UC Irvine $439,998 | December 12, 1996 |
96-63 | Proposal No. 2298-196, "Mechanisms of Particulate Toxicity: Exposure Effects on RD the Respiratory System" UC Davis $895,000 | December 12, 1996 |
96-64 | Proposal No. 2274-196, "Development of a Short-Average-Time Indoor Nitrogen Dioxide Monitor" Batelle $215,200 | December 12, 1996 |
96-65 | Doug Vagim | December 12, 1996 |