Preliminary Rulemaking Activity
State law requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to develop performance standards and adopt procedures to certify (certification procedures) vapor recovery systems for use with cargo tanks and at gasoline dispensing facilities. State law also requires CARB to adopt test procedures to determine compliance with performance standards established in the certification procedures. CARB's vapor recovery program is comprised of seven certification procedures and 38 test procedures.
Test procedures other than those specified in CARB certification procedures (alternative test procedures) can be used only if approval is obtained from CARB's Executive Officer.
To improve clarity and regulatory certainty, CARB staff is seeking to remove ambiguous language pertaining to the evaluation process for alternative test procedures. For further details, please see the draft regulatory text within the "testing of alternative test procedures" section of four certification procedures provided in the table below.
CARB staff is also seeking to make non-substantive format changes throughout the certification procedures to improve accessibility according to ADA requirements.
A public workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2022. The workshop notice is available in the table below and contains further details on how to participate. The workshop presentation and parking information (for those who wish to attend in person) are also provided.
Public Workshop - October 12, 2022 | Document Upload Date |
Workshop Notice | 09/22/2022 |
Workshop Presentation | 10/06/2022 |
Parking Information | 09/26/2022 |
Draft draft regulatory text with proposed deletions shown in strike through and proposed additions shown in underline are available in the table below:
Proposed Amendments to CARB Vapor Recovery Certification Procedures | Document Upload Date |
Draft CP-201: Certification Procedure for Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Using Underground Storage Tanks | 09/20/2022 |
Draft CP-204: Certification Procedure for Vapor Recovery Systems of Cargo Tanks | 09/20/2022 |
Draft CP-206: Certification Procedure for Vapor Recovery Systems at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Using Aboveground Storage Tanks | 09/20/2022 |
Draft CP-207: Certification Procedure for Enhanced Conventional (ECO) Nozzles and Low Permeation Conventional Hoses for use at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities | 09/20/2022 |
Because certification procedures are incorporated by reference into regulations, only the Board can amend them through a formal rulemaking process.
All documents contained on this webpage are considered part of the preliminary rulemaking process. CARB staff plans to present these items for Board consideration during a public hearing tentatively scheduled for the Spring of 2023. There will be opportunity for public comment on the draft regulatory text and supporting documents before and during the Board Hearing.