CARB Regulations
- Technology Clearinghouse
- User Guide
- Clearinghouse Tools
- Tool: Current Air District Rules
- Tool: Air District Rule History
- Tool: CARB Regulations
- Tool: BACT Determinations
- Tool: BACT Guidelines
- Tool: Residential Appliances
- Tool: Residential Backup Power
- Tool: Commercial Emergency Backup Power
- Tool: Underfired Charbroiling
- Tool: Attainment Status Lookup
- Request: Next Gen Evaluation
- Standard Categorization Lists
- Training Videos
CARB is in the process of developing a regulatory database to improve transparency of our regulatory programs. This tool is an early prototype, which contains data for CARB's current, in effect, airborne toxic control measures (ATCMs). All of CARB's regulatory programs will be added soon.
The purpose of this tool is to provide a complete picture of CARB's regulatory programs and increase transparency by bringing information together in one location. Links to program webpages, formal rulemaking webpages, and regulatory text allow users to find more information about these programs. This tool was developed for informational purposes only, and is not legally binding.
Regulatory Names and Keywords
Regulatory programs may be known by multiple names, or may fall under multiple overarching programs. CARB is working to compile known alternative names and keywords to facilitate search. The search bar returns an exact match. We have included alternative text, such as "heavy-duty" vs "heavy duty" to improve search. Please help us improve this tool by reporting missing names or keywords.
Pollutants tied to a regulatory program include both those directly regulated and co-benefits. We are using a simple pollutant list for clarity and ease of use. For example, all greenhouse gases are listed together under one heading. For more detailed information please review the program webpage, legal language within the California Code of Regulations (CCR), or the rulemaking documents. Links to all of this information can be found in the tool above.
Formal Legal Language
The formal legal language for CARB's regulatory programs is housed in the California Code of Regulations (CCR), maintained by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL). The tool above associates CCR sections with each regulatory program and provides direct links. All of CARB's regulatory programs can be found in two divisions of the CCRs:
- Title 13 - Motor Vehicles, Division 3 - Air Resources Board
- Title 17 - Public Health, Division 3 - Air Resources
Rulemaking Activity and Dates
CCR sections that are part of CARB's regulatory programs are adopted and amended through a formal rulemaking process, defined by the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), and require adoption by our Board. Each regulatory program may have multiple rulemakings adopting or amending associated CCRs over time. The tool above contains information and links for each rulemaking from approximately 2000 to present.
- Background on the Administrative Procedure Act
- Background on CARB's Board
- Background on air quality laws and regulations in California
There are multiple dates associated with each rulemaking. Older dates may be approximations. Dates in this tool are defined as follows:
- Original Adoption Year - The year that CARB's Board adopted the regulatory program for the first time.
- Adopted date, within the Rulemaking History - The date the adoption or amendments for that specific rulemaking was adopted by CARB's board.
- Effective date, within the Rulemaking History - The date the adoption or amendments for that specific rulemaking became effective.