Board Member Report: October 25, 2021
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of October 25, 2021.
Public Work Group Meeting on Advanced Clean Fleets: On October 26 via remote access, CARB will host a public work group meeting to discuss the proposed Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) Regulation as it pertains to smaller fleets. At this meeting, CARB staff will solicit input from stakeholder and continue discussions on topics raised during a previous workshop. The ACF rulemaking is part of a comprehensive strategy to achieve zero-emission truck and bus fleets by 2045 throughout the State.
Public Webinar on CARB Programs and Regulations: On October 28 via remote access, CARB will host a public webinar on several new regulatory programs that will aid the State in achieving carbon neutrality. The course will cover requirements for existing, new, and upcoming regulations, proposed program elements, and the regulatory process.
Public Webinar on Regulatory Overview of Public Agencies in California: On October 28 via webcast, CARB staff will provide a public training webinar to educate public agency employees and fleet managers about the basic regulatory requirements for heavy-duty diesel vehicles and to provide an overview on compliance requirements. This course will cover On-Road Public Fleet Regulation, In-Use Off-Road Diesel Vehicle Regulation, Periodic Smoke Inspection Program, and Portable Equipment Registration Program, and idling limitations.
Board Meeting: On October 28 via webcast, the Board will hear the following agenda items: (1) informational update on the latest assessment of the scientific basis of climate change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report; consideration of the 2020 Mobile Source Strategy; (3) informational updates on the AB 617 Community Air Protection Program as well as the Air Toxics Programs; (4) an informational update on the perspective of the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee leadership regarding the status of CARB staff's development of the 2022 Scoping Plan.
Public Workshop on 2022 Scoping Plan Update: On October 29 via remote access, CARB staff will hold a public workshop that will enable stakeholders to provide feedback on PATHWAYS modeling inputs for the range of scenarios presented at a previous workshop. Stakeholder input and comment letters will also be addressed. This workshop is part of a series of workshops CARB is hosting in support of the 2022 Scoping Plan Update and is meant to assess progress towards achieving the 2030 target in Senate Bill (SB) 32 (Pavely, 2006) and lay out a path to achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2045 (SB 100, De León, 2018).