Engelhart Gourmet Foods, Inc. Settlement
Engelhart Gourmet Foods, Inc. Case Settles for $65,800
The RMP Regulation requires owners of stationary refrigeration systems with a full charge of greater than 2,000 pounds of high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants to file an annual report for the previous year by March 1 each year (17 CCR § 95388(a)). Engelhart Gourmet Foods Inc (Engelhart) owns and operates a stationary refrigeration system with a full charge of greater than 2,000 pounds of a high GWP refrigerant.
Based on investigation by Enforcement Division a notice of violation was issued to Engelhart for submitting their 2012 annual report late. Moving forward, Engelhart has completed repairs to the facility’s automatic leak detection system and changed the recordkeeping and monitoring procedures to facilitate regulatory compliance.