Emissions Inventory District Resources - Secure Area
Secure Area
This page is intended to provide a secure communication link with districts. Please do not share the password with non-district personnel.
CEIDARS - Web-Based Interface for District Staff Use
Emission Inventory Facility Search - Includes flags for CERR facilities, CHAPIS facilities, and device data. This version is for district only. The public version does not include these features.
Stack Release Guidance (July 2004)
CCOS Domain Data - For SIP Planning
SCOS Domain Data - For SIP Planning
Vintage of Toxic Emissions Reporting Form (Contact eibweb@arb.ca.gov for more information.) vterform.xls
Toxics QA 2005_rank.xls(Link to lists of facilities that need additional district review)
August 16, 2006 Commercial Harborcraft Emissions Data by District - Microsoft Excel
August 16, 2006 Commercial Harborcraft TeleconferencePresentation - Adobe Acrobat
April 7, 2006 Goods Movement Powerpoint Presentation - Powerpoint - Adobe Acrobat