Ed Tucker Distributor, Inc. (AKA Tucker Rocky) Settlement
Tucker Rocky Case Settles for $500,000.00
In 2011, the Air Resources Board (ARB) determined that motorcycle parts distributor Ed Tucker Distributor, Inc., dba Biker’s Choice and Tucker Rocky Distributing (Tucker Rocky) was advertising, offering for sale, and/or selling aftermarket critical emission control parts that were not exempted from California’s anti-tampering laws. Such motorcycle aftermarket critical parts replace vital original emission components such as catalytic converters, and thus must be evaluated by ARB to demonstrate continued emissions compliance.
Tucker Rocky provided ARB with all needed information during the agency’s investigation of the matter, and has further agreed to institute a voluntary compliance plan that will inform its dealers and customers of which motorcycle aftermarket parts are legal for sale in the state. The case was settled in June 2013 with the civil penalty of $500,000 being applied to about 1,356 part violations at a rate of approximately $369 per unit.
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