Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd. Settlement
Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd. Case Settles for $647,500
In October 2014, the Air Resources Board (ARB) reached a settlement with Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd. (DOOSAN) that included $647,500 in penalties for violating air quality regulations: $485,625 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, which provides funding for projects and research to improve California's air quality; $161,875 to the School Bus and Diesel Emission Reduction Supplemental Environmental Project which primarily assists school districts with funding to ensure protection of children’s health while continuing home-to-school transportation, assist compliance with the In-Use Truck and Bus Regulation, and results in emission reduction benefits.
DOOSAN made a voluntary self-disclosure concerning On-Road Heavy-Duty Compressed Natural Gas engines sold in California in years 2010, 2011, and 2012. DOOSAN disclosed modifications that were performed to the engines, without advanced notification and/or approval by ARB, which effected engine certification. DOOSAN worked closely with, promptly, and fully cooperated with ARB during the investigation and resolution of this matter. To settle the case, Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd. agreed to the $647,500.00 penalty, to return all engines/applications to certified configurations, and to comply with all ARB certification requirements.
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