District QA of Emission Inventory Data
This page documents the ARB's efforts to QA the CEIDARS toxics data.
QA of Toxics Data
As part of our emission inventory data review, ARB staff has identified several facilities with toxic emissions in our CEIDARS inventory that we would like district staff to review for accuracy. This list was compiled in part by identifying the highest prioritization (potency-weighted) scores for each toxic in our point source inventory. We also identified several facilities that emit significantly more of a listed toxic than any other facility in California. Please confirm the accuracy of the emissions data if possible, and let us know if there are any problems with the data.
Download the short list of facilities for district review (80k)
Background Information:
Top potency-weighted emissions
Top toxics emissions (by mass)- Deleted Pollutants
The following pollutants have been removed from the CEIDARS Pollutant Table:We used to use these POLs... Now we use these POLs. Old POL
(No longer in CEIDARS)POLN (of Old POL) Correct POL
(in CEIDARS)POLN (of Correct POL) 1015 [D] Arsenic compounds (inorganic) 1016 Arsenic compounds (inorganic) 1021 [D] Beryllium compounds 7440417 Beryllium 1045 [D] Cadmium compounds 7440439 Cadmium 1067 [D] Copper compounds 7440508 Copper 1105 [D] Fluorocarbons (chlorinated and brominated) 1104 Fluorocarbons (chlorinated) 1120 [D] Hexachlorocyclohexanes 608731 Hexachlorocyclohexanes 1130 [D] Lead compounds (Inorganic) 1128 Lead compounds (inorganic) 1132 [D] Manganese compounds 7439965 Manganese 1133 [D] Mercury compounds 7439976 Mercury 1145 [D] Nickel compounds 7440020 Nickel 1170 [D] Selenium compounds 7782492 Selenium 1204 [D] Toluene diisocyanates 26471625 Toluene diisocyanates 1210 Xylenes 1330207 Xylenes (mixed) 1211 [D] Zinc compounds 7440666 Zinc 3333393 [D] Nickel carbonate 3333673 Nickel Carbonate 124403 [D] Dimethylamine dropped from CEIDARS 1040 [D] Bromine Compounds (inorganic) dropped from CEIDARS
[D] Acetone will be retained in CEIDARS.
- Missing Criteria and Toxics Emissions
Most facilities in CEIDARS have both criteria and toxic emissions. However, some large (>10tpy) criteria pollutant facilities do not have corresponding toxics data, and some facilities with large (>10tpy) toxics do not have corresponding criteria pollutant data. Each of these lists is linked below. [Note: Some facilities are exempt from reporting toxics because their risk assessment is less than 1 per million. The HRA score for these facilities must be reported in CEIDARS.]
Facilities with No Emissions
Criteria Pollutant Facilities Missing Toxics Data
Toxics Facilities Missing Criteria Pollutants
- Hexavalent Chromium Emissions
Highest Hex Chrome Sources for 2004-2006
The Fee_Cat Code in the Facility Table indicates the status of the facility (low, medium, or high risk) using letter codes A-G, with a few additional codes for exempt facilities. Fee_Cat codes are being corrected, based on AB 2588 State Fee information.
- Diesel in CEIDARS
Diesel emissions should be reported using toxics emittent ID# 9901, and using criteria pollutant PM10 with appropriate SCC Codes. When the criteria and toxic emissions are not equal, it is difficult for ARB to determine which emissions are correct. Our analysis is here: Diesel
- Chrome Platers
ARB has compiled updated emission estimates for chrome platers. ARB staff is reconciling the data for South Coast, which includes more than 75% of all chrome platers in CA. Chrome Platers in SCAQMD
- Comparison by SIC, POL, and SCC
ARB compared the number of different SIC Codes, Pollutants, and SCC Codes in CEIDARS from 2001 through 2004 to identify trends in the toxics data. The data clearly shows that districts are submitting more data on gasoline service stations; more sources are reporting benzene and formaldehyde emissions (primarily from South Coast's AER); and more diesel engines are being reported, along with a higher percentage of generic classifications for some processes (SCC Codes). More information is here: by SIC - by Pollutant -- by SCC (Top20)
- Comparison with TRI data
All of the top emitters in the U.S. EPA's TRI 2005 Facility Inventory reported criteria pollutants in the 2004 CEIDARS Inventory. Some toxics data appears to be inconsistent. TRI data
- Location Data
ARB staff is verifying location data of facilities in CEIDARS, with an emphasis on large emission sources, including facilities in CHAPIS (Community Health Air Pollution Information System). New procedures are in place to automate this process each year. Some facility locations may need to be verified by districts. More information will be provided here soon.
- Potency-weighted Toxics
A Rank-Ordered List of Toxics has been compiled, which shows the highest potency-weighted scores for 1996, 2001, 2004, 2005, and 2006.
- Air Toxics Inventory of all sources (Point, Areawide, On-Road Mobile, Off-Road Mobile, and Natural)
(Draft -- double counting not yet addressed)
- Emissions comparison between 2001 and 2005 emissions data.
- Linking all prioritization scores and risk data with all CEIDARS facilities.
ARB is considering asking districts to provide prioritization scores for all facilities in CEIDARS so we can better track facilities... Right now we only have prioritization scores for facilities that pay State fees. This includes new facilities with a high prioritization score (but no HRA), and facilities with an HRA >1 per million. The data will be reflected in CEIDARS as either a high priority, or not high-priority facility (the score won't actually be visible).