CEMEX Construction Materials Pacific, LLC Case Settlement
CEMEX Construction Materials Pacific, LLC Case Settles for $118,125
An investigation by the ARB showed that CEMEX Construction Materials Pacific, LLC (CEMEX) failed to comply with the requirements of the Cargo Handling Equipment Regulation, CEMEX failed to bring 9 pieces of equipment into compliance with the Regulation. CEMEX has agreed in principal with the violations and signed a settlement agreement on April 7, 2017. A penalty of $59,063.00 will be paid to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, and $59,062.00 to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District for the School Bus Diesel Emission Reduction SEP.
With the enforcement of the Cargo Handling Equipment Regulation, ARB has been able to reduce emissions around the ports from diesel air contaminants, achieve a high compliance rate with in-use standards, and protect the health of all Californians, including those in the disadvantaged communities in and around the port.
To settle the case, CEMEX has agreed to the $118,125.00 penalty and to comply with ARB regulations.
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