Case-by-Case Determinations: Off-Road Equipment
Reference #: 2025-02
Request: Approval for the replacement of twenty-one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts, funded through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s (San Joaquin Valley APCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD (Project Numbers: G-225471, G-225472, G-225473,G-225474,G-225425,G-225475,G-225426,G-225476,G-225478,G-225479,G-238760,G-238762,G-238773,G-238775,G-238776,G-238349,G-213699,G-227435,G-234859,G-240427,G-242549)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of replacing twenty-one large spark-ignition (LSI) forklifts with twenty-one zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost ‑ effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: January 16, 2025
Contact: Srima Bandara (279) 201-9964, Vicky Hanks (951) 542-3193, and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2025-01
Request: Approval of one agricultural off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractor funded through the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District’s (District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (Project Number: BF-T-01)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an uncontrolled tractor with one zero-emission battery-electric tractor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: January 13, 2025
Contact: Srima Bandara (279) 201-9964, Myint Win (279) 208-7280, and Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference #: 2024-40
Request: Accept activity in hours for an off-road replacement project in which the baseline yard truck is equipped with an on-road engine. Provide emission reduction calculation guidance to convert annual activity in hours to miles for a project funded through Butte County AQMD’s (BCAQMD or District) CAP program.
Air District: BCAQMD (Project Number: CAP7‑24-04)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section C.3, and Section D.1.(D); Appendix D, Table D-1.
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The project proposed consists of replacing a 2013 Kalmar Ottawa diesel-powered yard truck with a battery-electric yard truck.
The baseline equipment is subject to the Advance Clean Fleets Regulation and contains an on-road certified engine. The District requests use of an emission reduction calculation that utilizes an annual hourly usage rate and on-road emission factors. The hourly usage will be adjusted using a conversion factor of 10.5 miles per hour based on estimated drayage truck operation from the heavy-duty Omnibus rulemaking. The grant calculation will use a one-step calculation at the $522,000/ton cost-effectiveness limit.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: December 26, 2024
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715, Yadir Osornio (626) 350-6576, and Todd Sterling (916) 323-2397
Reference #: 2024-38
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric yard truck funded through the Sacramento Air Quality Management District’s (Sacramento AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Sacramento Air Quality Management District (Project Number: VET-24-0085)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a Tier 4 interim diesel yard truck with one zero-emission battery-electric yard truck.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: December 26, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara (279) 201 9964, Myint Win (279) 208-7280, and Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference #: 2024-35
Request: Approval for the replacement of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift, funded through the Sacramento Air Quality Management District’s (Sacramento AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Sacramento AQMD (Project Number: VET-24-0018)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large spark-ignition (LSI) forklift with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost ‑effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 4, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, and Joshua Simmons (916) 327-9435
Reference #: 2024-34
Request: Approval for the replacement of nine off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts, funded through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s (San Joaquin Valley APCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD (Project Numbers: G-226787, G-226788, G-226789, G-226790, G-226793, G-231503, G-234784, G-213201, and G-213202)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of replacing nine large spark-ignition (LSI) forklifts with nine zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost ‑ effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 2, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Vicky Hanks(626) 459-4495, and Myint Win(279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2024-33
Request: Approval for the replacement of an off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractor, funded through the Santa Barbara Air Pollution Control District’s (Santa Barbara APCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Santa Barbara APCD (Project Number: #2024-17)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing aTier 4 Final tractor with a zero-emission battery-electric tractor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost ‑effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 2, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374, and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2024-32
Request: Approval for the replacement of one of each of the following, an off-road zero-emission battery-electric loader and a street sweeper, funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number:25MOY58)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one Tier 4 interim skid steer loader with a zero-emission battery-electric compact track loader and one Tier 2 sweeper with a zero-emission battery-electric street sweeper.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. CARB currently does not have a formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment, a case-by-case review of the equipment is required to assure that funded equipment meets Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost ‑effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: November 8, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Myint Win (279) 208-7280, and Vicky Hanks (951) 542-3193
Reference #: 2024-31
Request: Approval for the Non-like for like replacement of a diesel loader with an electric dolly funded through Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District’s (Santa Barbara County APCD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Santa Barbara County APCD (Project Number: #2024-56)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one diesel loader with one zero-emission battery-electric dolly. According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing equipment. The district provided information that the replacement equipment will serve the same function as the existing equipment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: October 15, 2024
Contact:Srima Bandara, Myint Win (279) 208-7280 and Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference #: 2024-29
Request: Approval to fund a Tier 1 self-propelled baler with a zero-emissions baler attachment funded through the Modoc County Air Pollution Control District’s (MCAPCD) Carl Moyer program.
Air District: Modoc County APCD (Project # 24-5)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5.D.4(F)(1), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered Tier 1 self-propelled baler with a zero-emission baler attachment. Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund only items essential to the operation of the equipment, the Guidelines require that replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing equipment. The air district provided information that the zero-emission baler attachment can serve the same function as the self-propelled baseline equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission baler attachment is eligible as replacement equipment for the self-propelled baler under Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: September 25, 2024
Contact: Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374 and Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495
Reference #: 2024-28
Request: Approval of four off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts replacements funded through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s (San Joaquin Valley APCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD (Project Numbers: G-212511, G-212573, G-213894 and G-225843)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of replacing four large spark-ignition (LSI) forklifts with four zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: September 26, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Myint Win (279) 208-7280, and Vicky Hanks (951) 542-3193
Reference #: 2024-26
Request: Approval for the Non-like for like replacement of an agricultural off-road track dozer with a compact track loader funded through San Diego Air Pollution Control District’s (San Diego APCD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: San Diego APCD (Project Number: #-APCD2024-ORPL-0017)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The project consists of replacing an uncontrolled track dozer with a Tier 4 Final compact track loader.
According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing equipment. The district provided information that the compact track loader will serve the same function as the existing equipment. In addition, the compact track loader can be more versatile at different types of work.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, guidelines, statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: September 16,2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Myint Win (279) 208-7280, and Vicky Hanks (951 542-3193)
Reference #: 2024-25
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery electric yard truck funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Bay Area AQMD (Project number: 25MOY91)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one Tier-2 diesel yard truck with a zero-emission battery-electric yard truck.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement yard truck’s power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that this new yard truck is commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission yard truck is eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement yard truck to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: September 16, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference #: 2024-22
Request: Approval for the replacement of off-road zero-emission battery-electric skid-steer funded through the El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (El Dorado AQMD or District).
Air District: El Dorado AQMD (Project Number: TP-SS-01)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel skid steer with a zero-emission electric battery-electric skid steer.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: July 25, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2024-21
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District’s (Antelope Valley AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Antelope Valley AQMD (Project Number: AV0324#8)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one controlled large spark-ignition (LSI) propane‑powered forklift with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: July 15, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference #: 2024-19
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery electric excavator with grapple attachment replacement funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: #25MOY86)
Guideline Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing the diesel excavator with grapple attachment used for agricultural material handling operations with one battery-electric off-road excavator with grapple attachment.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement for diesel powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as a replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: July 1, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374, and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2024-20
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractor funded through the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District’s (Antelope Valley AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (Project Number: AV1023#3)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a Tier 4 diesel tractor with one zero-emission battery-electric tractor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 27, 2024
Contact: Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374 and Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495
Reference#: 2024-18
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Bay Area AQMD (Project number: 25MOY56)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large spark-ignition (LSI) propane powered forklifts with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement forklifts’ power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that these new forklifts are commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission forklifts are eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement forklifts to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 26, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Joshua Simmons (916) 327-9435
Reference#: 2024-17
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Bay Area AQMD (Project number: 25MOY48)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large spark-ignition (LSI) propane powered forklifts with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement forklifts’ power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that these new forklifts are commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission forklifts are eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement forklifts to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 25, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference#: 2024-16
Request: Allow the replacement of agricultural tractor with forklift attachment (Tier-0) with rough terrain forklift (Tier-4 Final) funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: #25MOY50)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one 1972 Ford 4000 57-hp, Tier-0, wheeled agricultural tractor with integrated forklift components used for lifting and moving orchard bins with a 2023 New Holland F50C rough terrain forklift with a Tier 4 Final, 74 hp engine (Engine Family # PFPXL03.4BSD). According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing baseline equipment. The district provided information that the rough terrain forklift will serve the same function as the existing equipment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, guidelines, statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: June 26,2024
Contact:Myint Win(279) 208-7280, Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374, and Srima Bandara
Reference#: 2024-15
Request: Approval for the replacement of two off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 25MOY12)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two large spark-ignition (LSI) forklifts with two zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 25, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Myint Win (279) 208-7280, and Hank Vicky(626) 459-4495
Reference#: 2024-14
Request: Allow the replacement of agricultural wheel loader with a backhoe attachment with a compact crawler excavator funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 25MOY145)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The project consists of replacing an uncontrolled wheel loader with backhoe attachment with a Tier 4 Final compact crawler excavator.
According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent to the existing equipment. The District provided documentation supporting the applicant’s claim that the compact crawler excavator will serve the same function as the existing equipment. Therefore, the compact crawler excavator is eligible as replacement equipment for the tracked agricultural loader and backhoe attachment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, guidelines, statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: June 24, 2024
Contact:Srima Bandara, Mirian Sandoval (279)208-7374), and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference#: 2024-13
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift replacements funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 25MOY136)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large spark-ignition (LSI) forklift with a zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 25, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374, and Myint Win (279) 208 7280
Reference#: 2024-12
Request: Approval of four off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Bay Area AQMD (Project number: 25MOY108)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing four large spark-ignition (LSI) propane powered forklifts with four zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement forklifts’ power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that these new forklifts are commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission forklifts are eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement forklifts to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 19, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Joshua Simmons (279)208-7715
Reference#: 2024-11
Request: Approval of three off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Bay Area AQMD (Project number: 25MOY149)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing three large spark-ignition (LSI) propane powered forklifts with three zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement forklifts’ power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that these new forklifts are commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission forklifts are eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement forklifts to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 19, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference#: 2024-10
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift replacements funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 25MOY29)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E), Section D.4.(F)(2)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large spark-ignition (LSI) forklift with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 18, 2024
Contact: Myint Win (279) 208-7280, Srima Bandara, and Mirian Sandoval (279)208-7374
Reference#: 2024-08
Request: Allow the replacement of an agricultural tractor/crawler with blade attachment with a compact track loader with a blade attachment funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: #25MOY38)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The project consists of replacing a Tier 0 tractor/crawler with a blade attachment with a Tier 4 Final compact track loader with a blade attachment. According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing equipment. The district provided information that the compact track loader will serve the same function as the existing equipment. In addition, the compact track loader can be more versatile at different types of work.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, guidelines, statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: June 3, 2024
Contact: Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374, Srima Bandara, and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference#: 2024-09
Request: Approval of two off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift replacements funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 25MOY119)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two large spark-ignition (LSI) forklifts with two zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: June 3, 2024
Contact: Srima Bandara, Mirian Sandoval (279)208-7374, and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2024-07
Request: Approval of three off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management District’s (Sacramento Metro AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: Sacramento Metro AQMD (Project number: VET-24-0005)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E), Section D.4.(F)(2)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two controlled large spark-ignition (LSI) propane powered forklift with a zero-emission battery-electric forklifts and one Tier 4 final diesel-powered forklift with zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement forklifts’ power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that these new forklifts are commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission forklifts are eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement forklifts to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: May 29, 2024
Contact: Joshua Simmons (916) 327-9435 and Myint Win (279) 208-7280
Reference #: 2024-04
Request: 1) Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric equipment through South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program and 2) Approval to use adjusted on-road engine emission factors (EFs) and deterioration rates (DRs) for calculating the emissions for baseline equipment.
Air District: SCAQMD (Project Number: 23CMP1313)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section C.3, and Section D.1.(D); Appendix D, Table D-1 and Table D-9.
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The project proposed consists of replacing three 2014 Kalmar Ottawa 200hp diesel-powered yard trucks with three Gaussin APM 75T EV UTR battery-electric yard trucks.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
The baseline equipment is subject to the Cargo Handling Equipment Regulation and contains on-road certified engines. The District requests use of the on-road emission factors adjusted using a conversion factor of 4 brake horsepower-hour per mile (bhp-hr/mi). For the baseline equipment, emission factors (EF) and deterioration rates (DR) from Appendix D, Table D-1 shall be adjusted with the results below. (See Table 1 below). Emission reduction calculations will use activity in hours from the baseline diesel equipment. Since the converted baseline equipment’s emission factors are cleaner than the off-road Tier 4 Final EF and DR (from Appendix D, Table D-9), the emission reductions will be determined using a one-step calculation using the factors below to zero.
Table 1 Converted Emission Factors | NOx | ROG | PM |
Emission Factors (g/bhp-hr) | 0.2575 | 0.015 | 0.0005 |
Deterioration Rates (g/bhp-hr-hr) | 1.125 x 10-6 | 2.5 x 10-8 | 2.5 x 10-9 |
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: April 19, 2024
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-771
Reference #:2024-02
Request: Approval of one off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District’s (San Diego County APCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: San Diego County APCD(Project number: APCD2023-ORPL-0067)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists ofreplacing one uncontrolled large spark-ignition (LSI) propanepowered forklift with a zero-emission battery-electric forklift.Per information provided by the District, the forklift fleet is a small fleet of three or less forklifts.
Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The air district confirmed that the replacement forklift’s power capabilities provide an acceptable one-for-one replacement, and that this new forklift is commercially available. Therefore, the zero-emission forklift is eligible as a replacement for funding. Failure of the replacement forklift to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: April 11, 2024
Contact: Vicky Hanks (951) 542-3193 or Srima Bandara
Reference #: 2024-01
Request: Allow a one-year project life for an off-road equipment replacement project. (Project Number 25CMP-1213-Rpl)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines Chapter 5, Section E.2.(H)(1)
CARB Action: Approve
Determination: The project consists of replacing a Tier 2 diesel motor grader with a Tier 4 Final diesel motor grader. The applicant is a small fleet according to the In-Use Off-Road Diesel Fueled-Fleets Regulation.
According to the Carl Moyer Program 2017 Guidelines Chapter 5, Section E.2.(H)(1), eligible projects for small fleets must provide at least two years emission reductions surplus to the regulation, with a corresponding minimum project life of at least two years. The anticipated in-service date for this project is December 31, 2024. However, because of concern regarding equipment delivery delays, the district has requested allowance for an in-service date in 2025 and a project life of one year.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, guidelines, statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: March 25, 2024
Contact: Vicky Hanks (951) 542-3193
Reference #: 2023-22
Request: Approval of two off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (South Coast AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD (Project Number: 25CMP-700-Rpl)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two controlled large spark-ignition (LSI) propane‑powered forklifts with two zero-emission battery-electric forklifts.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zeroemission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this caseby-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: November 14, 2023
Contact: Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference #: 2023-21
Request: Approval of two off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractors funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (South Coast AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast Air Quality Management District (Project Number: 25CMP-1043-Rpl)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an uncontrolled diesel tractor and a Tier 4 diesel tractor with two Soletrac E25G zero-emission battery-electric tractors.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: November 9, 2023
Contact: Mirian Sandoval (279) 208-7374
Reference #: 2023-20
Request: Approval of 13 pieces of off-road zero-emission battery-electric airport ground support equipment evaluated through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 23MOY174)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing the following:
- Eight Large Spark-Ignited (LSI) baggage tugs with eight zero-emission battery‑electric baggage tugs
- Five LSI belt loaders with five zero-emission battery-electric belt loaders
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: November 6, 2023
Contact: Derek Winters (951) 542-3417
Reference # 2023-19
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric equipment through Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District’s (SBCAPCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: SBCAPCD (Project Number: 2023-26)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel loader with zero-emission off-road battery-electric equipment. The project consists of replacing an uncontrolled 1992, 62 hp, Ford 545C loader with a battery-electric 2023 compact wheel loader (Volvo JL20H).
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: November 6, 2023
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference # 2023-11
Request: Approval to fund repower of five diesel rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid diesel-electric systems through the Bay Area Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program requesting approval of:
- the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system technology, and
- the use of modified emission reduction and cost-effectiveness calculations.
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Project number: 23MOY44)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines, Ch 2, Section U, Appendix C, Formula C-6 and Appendix D, Table D-7
CARB Action:
- Approved
- Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of repowering five (5) diesel-powered RTG cranes with hybrid diesel-electric power systems (ZPMC Dynamic Engine System with Corvus lithium battery pack).
- Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid, diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information indicating the repower equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one repower of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the repower equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk. Therefore, the hybrid diesel-electric equipment is eligible as repower equipment for program funding.
- The District provided documentation that the replacement diesel engine operates like a generator, charging the battery in this hybrid system. In support of the reduced engine activity, a hybrid factor that reduces the future operational annual hours and an engine load factor reflective of a generator set operation was utilized in program calculations. The District provided documentation in support of the hybrid system engine load operations. The request to use cost effectiveness calculations as provided with this case-by-case is approved.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: June 14, 2023
Contact: Holmes Bassette (951) 542-3081, Mirian Sandoval, (279)208-7374
Reference # 2023-10
Request: Approval to amend case-by-case (CBC) 2020-30 to account for a change in the reduced equipment. The original request and this request is to fund four diesel‑powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid, diesel-electric systems through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program. The complete request includes:
- the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system technology and,
- use of modified emission reduction and cost-effectiveness calculations.
Air District: SCAQMD (Project Number: 22CMP125)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U, Appendix C, Formula C-6, and Appendix D, Table D-7
CARB Action:
- Approved
- Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing four diesel-powered RTG cranes with hybrid diesel-electric systems (Paceco hybrid system charged by a Volvo, 2023 TAD580VE, Tier 4 Final, 140 hp generator set).
1) Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid, diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information indicating the reduced equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one for the diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the reduced equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk. Therefore, the hybrid diesel-electric equipment is eligible as replace equipment for program funding.
2) The District provided documentation that the replacement diesel engine operates like a generator, charging the battery in this hybrid system. In support of the reduced engine activity, a hybrid factor that reduces the future annual hours and a generator engine load factor was utilized in program calculations. The District provided documentation in support of the hybrid system engine load operations. The request to use cost effectiveness calculations as provided with this CBC is approved.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this CBC reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: May 5, 2023
Contact: Joshua Simmons, (279) 208-7715
Reference #: 2023-06
Request: Approval of an off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District’s (NSCAPCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Northern Sonoma County APCD (Project Number: FM22-02)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an uncontrolled diesel forklift with a Hyster J120XN zero-emission battery-electric forklift.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: April 20, 2023
Contact: Mirian Sandoval, (279)208-7374
Reference #: 2023-05
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric equipment through Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District’s (SBCAPCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: SBCAPCD (Project Number: 2022-07)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel tractor with zero-‑emission off-road battery-electric equipment. The project consists of replacing a Tier 1 129 horsepower tractor with a battery-electric Dannar mobile power unit. Project includes implements or attachments needed such that mobile power unit can perform work of tractor it replaces.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: April 6, 2023
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference #: 2023-04
Request: Approval of an off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractor funded through the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Yolo-Solano AQMD (Project Number: OFR-22-031)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a 70 Horsepower (HP) Tier 1 diesel tractor with a 70 HP Monarch MK5 Plus zero-emission battery-electric tractor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: March 20, 2023
Contact: Derek Winters, (951) 542-3417
Reference #: 2022-45
Request: Approval of replacement of two uncontrolled diesel off-road dozers with one Tier 4 final dozer operating less than the required combined baseline usage amount through the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District’s (VCAPCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: VCAPCD (Project Number: 24-068)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, section D.4.C
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two uncontrolled off-road diesel dozers with one new Tier 4 final off-road diesel dozer. In the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) Chapter 5 section D.4.C, the annual usage from the two pieces of existing equipment is summed for the replacement equipment usage. The applicant provided justification proving that the replacement Tier 4 final off-road diesel dozer can move the same amount of material in half the time than the uncontrolled baseline dozers while burning less fuel per hour. Staff determined that, due to the nature of this replacement project and work performed, in contrast to the Guideline section referenced, the usage of the two existing dozers should not be summed to determine the usage of the new Tier 4 final off-road diesel dozer. Instead, the usage of one uncontrolled dozer should be used as the usage for the new Tier 4 final off-road diesel dozer.
Note that this approval is limited to the dozer listed above and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the air district's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by‑case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: December 28, 2022
Contact: Vicky Hanks, (951) 542-3193
Reference # 2022-43
Request: Approval of two off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District Name: BAAQMD (Project Number: 23MOY29)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two Tier 2 diesel forklifts with two zero-emission battery-electric forklifts (Hyundai 40b-9).
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: December 20, 2022
Contact: Mirian Sandoval, (279) 208-7374
Reference # 2022-38
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission airport ground support equipment through the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District’s (SDCAPCD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: SDCAPCD (Project Numbers: APCD2022-CARL-0015 and APCD2022-CARL-0060)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large spark ignition (LSI) forklift with a zero-emission electric forklift (Hyster J50XNL), seven diesel-powered cargo tractors with seven zero-emission electric cargo tractors (Charlatte T137-V3), and five diesel-powered belt loaders with five zero-emission electric belt loaders (Tug 660E). In addition, the project includes repowering one diesel-powered aircraft tug with a zero-emission battery-electric motor (GT50Li Pushback). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel and LSI powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 20, 2022
Contact: Cynthia Ortiz, (951) 542-3327
Reference # 2022-39
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through Butte County Air Quality Management District’s (BCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program.
Air District Name: BCAQMD (Project Number: CAP5-22-14)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one uncontrolled large spark-ignition (LSI) gasoline‑powered forklift with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift (Toyota 8FBE20U).
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the gasoline-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This project will use CAP funds and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: December 6, 2022
Contact: Mirian Sandoval, (279) 208-7374, Vicky Hanks, (951) 542-3193
Reference # 2022-37
Request: Approval to fund the repower of three diesel-powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid, diesel-electric systems through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (BAAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program requesting:
1) the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system technology and,
2) use of modified emission reduction and cost-effectiveness calculations.
Air District: BAAQMD (Project Number: 22MOY284)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U, Appendix C, Formula C-6,and Appendix D, Table D-7
CARB Action:
1) Approved
2) Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of repowering three diesel-powered RTG cranes (Tier 2 diesel engines, 402 hp) with hybrid diesel-electric systems (ZMPC hybrid system that uses a Tier 4 final diesel engines and battery pack, 120hp).
1) Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid, diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information indicating the repower equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one repower of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the repower equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk. Therefore, the hybrid diesel-electric equipment is eligible as repower equipment for program funding.
2) The District provided documentation that the replacement diesel engine operates like a generator charging the battery system in this hybrid system. In support of the reduced engine activity, a hybrid factor that reduces the future annual hours and a generator engine load factor was utilized in program calculations. The District provided documentation in support of the hybrid system engine load operations. The request to use cost effectiveness calculations as provided with this case-by-case is approved.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 28, 2022
Contact: Mirian Sandoval,(279) 208-7374 and Joshua Simmons, (279) 208-7715
Reference # 2022-36
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractors through Butte County Air Quality Management District’s (BCAQMD or the District) Community Air Protection (CAP) Program.
Air District: BCAQMD
Project Numbers: CAP5-22-03
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U. and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: This project consists of replacing a 1974 Ford, uncontrolled diesel tractor with a 2022 Solectrac e25 zero-emission battery-electric tractor. The zero‑emission tractor is powered with a 22 kilowatt-hours (kWh) battery and a 25 horsepower (hp) motor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero‑emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This project will use CAP Funds and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include the case‑by-case reference number in the comment field for these projects in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: October 19, 2022
Contact: Mirian Sandoval, (279) 208-7374
Reference # 2022-35
Request: Approval to replace two large spark-ignition (LSI) lawnmowers of greater than or equal to 25 hp but less than 1 liter displacement with two off-road zero-emission battery-electric ride-on lawnmowers funded through Butte County Air Quality Management District’s (BCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program. (Project Numbers: CAP5-22-05 and CAP5-22-06)
Air District: Butte County Air Quality Management District (BCAQMD or District)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(A), D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The District is seeking to fund two projects each consisting of replacing LSI ride-on lawnmowers with zero-emission, battery-electric ride-on lawn mowers (2022 model year 36 horsepower (hp) Mean Green Rival). The zero-emission ride-on lawn mower is powered with a 22 kilowatt-hour lithium battery.
The 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) state that LSI engines of greater than or equal to 25 hp but with a displacement of less than or equal to one liter may be eligible for funding on a case-by-case basis. Both baseline ride-on lawnmowers proposed, the Hustler Super Z 935015US, 29 hp, and the Toro Z Master 5000, 25 hp, have displacements of 0.824 L and 0.747 L respectively.
Additionally, consistent with the Guidelines’ goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided manufacturer equipment specification and sales information that indicates the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of the gasoline-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: October 11, 2022
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference # 2022-34
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through Butte County Air Quality Management District’s Community Air Protection (CAP) program. (Project numbers: CAP5-22-12 & CAP5-22-13).
Air District Name: Butte County Air Quality Management District (BCAQMD or District)
Carl Moyer Guidelines Section(s):2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of replacing large spark-ignition (LSI) propane‑powered forklifts with zero-emission battery-electric forklifts (Hyster J100XN).
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of propane-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
DeterminationDate: October 6, 2022
Contact: Holmes Bassette (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2022-33
Request: Accept emission reduction and cost-effectiveness calculations based upon fuel usage for an off-road equipment replacement project.
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD or District)
Project Number: 22MOY356
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines, Chapter 5, Section C.3., Appendix C Formula C-7
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an existing uncontrolled, 95hp diesel tractor with a Tier 4F, 115hp diesel tractor. Carl Moyer Program Guidelines require off-road equipment replacement project’s cost-effectiveness and emission reduction calculations to be hour based. The District provided two-years of fuel usage logs specific to the baseline equipment. Based upon the documentation received from the air district, project emission reductions and cost-effectiveness may use the fuel-based formula in Appendix C.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 6, 2022
Contact: Mirian Sandoval, (279) 208-7374, and Cynthia Ortiz, (951) 542-3327
Reference # 2022-19
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program. (Project Number: MDXXXX-54th District AA 2022)
Air District: Mojave Desert AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a 74-horsepower uncontrolled diesel-powered forklift with a 70-horsepower zero-emission battery-electric forklift. The zero‑emission forklift is powered with an 80V battery.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero‑emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and are surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: July 21, 2022
Contact: Mirian Sandoval, (279) 208-7374 and Holmes Bassette (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2022-18
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractors through Butte County Air Quality Management District’s (BCAQMD or the District) Community Air Protection (CAP) Program.
Air District: BCAQMD
Project Numbers: CAP3-22-06 & CAP3-22-07
Guidelines Section(s):2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: This case-by-case approval covers two projects. The first project consists of replacing a 2005 John Deere Tier 2 diesel agricultural tractor with a 2022 Soletrac e25 zero-emission battery-electric tractor. The zero-emission tractor is powered with a 28 kilowatt-hours (kWh) battery and a 30 horsepower (hp) motor. The second project consists of replacing a 1998 Massey Ferguson Tier 1 diesel agricultural tractor with a 2022 Monarch MK-V zero-emission battery-electric tractor. The zero-emission tractor is powered with a 30kWh battery and 40hp motor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the projects. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include the case-by-case reference number in the comment field for these projects in the Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: May 13, 2022
Contact: Vicky Hanks, (951) 542-3193 and Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2022-17
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric ride-on lawn mower funded through Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District’s (EKAPCD or District) Carl Moyer Program (CMP). (Project Numbers: 05-002-2022 & 05-003-2022)
Air District: EKAPCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E), D.1.(A)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The District is seeking to fund two projects each consisting of replacing uncontrolled off-road diesel-fueled ride-on lawn mowers (1997 model year 22 horsepower John Deere F935) with zero-emission, battery-electric ride-on lawn mowers (2022 model year 36 horsepower Mean Green Rival). The zero-emission ride-on lawn mower is powered with a 22 kilo-watt-hour lithium battery.
The 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) state that compression ignition and large spark ignition engines of greater than or equal to 25 horsepower (HP) are eligible for funding. Emission reduction calculations use factors provided in Guidelines Appendix D. The baseline mowers use diesel engines less than 25 HP. The following grams per brake horsepower-hour (g/bhp-hr) emission factors (EF) and deterioration rates (DR) shall be used for this project:
| Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) EF | NOx DR | Reactive Organic Gas (ROG) EF | ROG DR | Particulate Matter (PM) EF | PM DR |
Baseline | 6.51 | 0 | 1.96 | 0.0025 | .540 | 0 |
Reduced | 2.75 | 0.000057 | 0.09 | 0.000036 | 0.009 | 0.000001 |
These values are to be used to calculate emission reductions and cost effectiveness. When entering project data into the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database, the non-calculation form shall be used.
The Carl Moyer Program funds reliable advanced technologies and the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided manufacturer equipment specification and sales information that indicates the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and are surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for these projects in the CARL database.
Determination Date: April 22, 2022
Contact:Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2022-14
Request: Approval of an off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Antelope Valley AQMD
Project Number: AV1121#8
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U. and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a gasoline forklift (1985, 82 horsepower) and a propane forklift (1987, 80 horsepower) with a zero-emission lithium-ion battery-electric forklift (Model: Hangcha FBL50Li).
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of the gasoline and propane-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
The District will coordinate with their CARB liaison to submit project details into the CARL database using the Non-Calculation form.
Determination Date: April 8, 2022
Contact: Vicky Hanks (951) 542-3193
Reference #: 2022-10
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 23CMP97
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U. and Chapter 5, Sections D.1.(E).
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing seven liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) forklifts, with seven new battery-electric, zero emission forklifts (Toyota 8FBM50T). Consistent with the Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of LPG powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 8, 2022
Contact: Vicky Hanks, (951) 542-3193
Reference # 2022-13
Request: Allow the replacement of a tracked agricultural loader and backhoe attachment with a compact crawler excavator funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Project Number: 22MOY234
Guideline Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1).
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered tracked agricultural loader and backhoe attachment (Tier 0, 62 hp engine – 1974 Caterpillar 931) with a diesel-powered compact crawler excavator (Tier 4 Final, 67 hp engine [Engine Family Number LYDXL3.32NDA] – 2020 Case CX57C) funded through the Carl Moyer Program. According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent to the existing equipment. The District provided documentation supporting the applicant’s claim that the compact crawler excavator will serve the same function as the existing equipment. Therefore, the compact crawler excavator is eligible as replacement equipment for the tracked agricultural loader and backhoe attachment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 7, 2022
Contact: Derek Winters (951) 542-3417
Reference# 2022-12
Request: Allow the replacement of an agriculture tractor and loader attachment with a compact track loader funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Project Number: 22MOY225
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an agricultural tractor and loader attachment (Tier 0, 58hp – 1973 Massey-Ferguson #165) with a compact track loader (Tier 4 Final, 67 hp engine [Engine Family Number: MPKXL02.2IR1] – 2021 Caterpillar 249D3) funded through the Carl Moyer Program. According to the Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent to the existing equipment. The District provided information that the compact track loader will serve the same function as the existing equipment. In addition, the compact track loader is required for safe hillside farm and vineyard operation.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 7, 2022
Contact: Derek Winters (951) 542-3417
Reference # 2022-09
Request: Approval of three off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number:23CMP11
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E).
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing three diesel-powered forklifts with three Hyster model J190XNL electric forklifts. Each zero-emission forklift will be powered by lithium ion 350V–192 Ah batteries.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The District provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air District's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 6, 2022
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference # 2022-07
Request:Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: SCAQMD (Project Number: 23CMP134)
Guidelines Section(s):2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The project consists of replacing twenty-seven propane-fueled forklifts, with twenty-seven electric powered forklifts (models: Yale ERP040VT and ERC60VG). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of propane-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the air district's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits and all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Carl Moyer Program Clean Air Reporting Log database.
Determination Date: April 7, 2022
Contact: Vicky Hanks, (951) 542-3193
Reference # 2022-11
Request: Approval of an off-road zero-emission manlift and an off-road zero-emission loader through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 23CMP171
Guidelines Section(s):2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U. and Chapter 5, Sections D.1.(E).
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project involves the replacement of one off-road
diesel-powered manlift with a zero-emission manlift (Genie Electric Z-45/25J) and one
off-road diesel-powered loader with a zero-emission loader (Kovaco Elise 900). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. The District provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment are commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the District’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines, and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 6, 2022
Contact: Cynthia Ortiz, (951) 542-3327
Reference # 2022-08
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts through South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number:23CMP8
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing 14 propane-powered forklifts with 14 Crown Model FC5225-50 electric forklifts funded through the Carl Moyer Program funding. The forklifts will be powered by V-Force TC 70245 48V 572 Ah batteries.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Carl Moyer Program goals. The District provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of propane‑powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 6, 2022
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference # 2022-05
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of a diesel railcar mover with an electric railcar mover through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program (Moyer Program).
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number:23CMP70
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines (Guidelines), Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered railcar mover (Tier 1 – 2001 Shuttle Wagon SWX415B) with a zero-emission/electric railcar mover (2021 Zephir LOK13.90E) funded through the Moyer Program. The zero-emission equipment is powered by acid lead battery with centralized refilling system and nominal capacity of 80V/93 Ah + 80V/93 Ah.
Consistent with the Moyer Program Guidelines goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies while ensuring incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer Program goals. The District provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, and to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 5, 2022
Contact: Joshua Simmons (279) 208-7715
Reference # 2022-06
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 23CMP85
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program (Moyer Program) Guidelines (Guidelines); Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an off-road propane forklift (Mitsubishi FG30K) with a zero-emission battery-electric forklift (Hyster J60XNL). The zero-emission forklift is powered with an 83 Volt lithium-ion battery and a 13.4 hp traction motor.
Consistent with the Moyer Program Guidelines goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies while ensuring incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer Program goals. The District provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one for one replacement of propane-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk.
This project will use CAP funds and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and are surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: April 4, 2022
Contact: Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2022-02
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric cargo handling equipment funded through South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Carl Moyer program. (Project Number: 23CMP9)
Air District: SCAQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of replacing a 330-horsepower diesel cargo handling top handler (Tier-2 Fantuzzi FDC 500G5) with a zero-emission battery-electric top handler (Taylor ZLC-996). The zero-emission equipment is powered with a Proterra NMC 902 kWh battery pack and a 340-horsepower motor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines, and statutes, and are surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for these projects in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database.
Determination Date: March 11, 2022
Contact: Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2022-03
Request: Approval of two off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts through Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Bay Area AQMD or the District) Carl Moyer Program. (Project Number: 22MOY204)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two LSI-gas powered forklifts, with two new battery-electric, zero-emission forklifts (Hyster J120XN, J70XN).
Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of gasoline-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the air district's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database and if needed, please coordinate with your CARB Liaison on how to enter this project into CARL.
Determination Date: March 08, 2022
Contact: Derek Winters; Cynthia Ortiz, (951) 542-3327
Reference # 2022-01
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric tractor funded through Santa Barbara County Air Quality Pollution Control District’s (SBCAPCD or District) Carl Moyer program. (Project Number: 2021-07-UCSB)
Air District: SBCAPCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a 27-horsepower diesel-powered tractor (1998 Tier 1 New Holland 1630) with a zero-emission battery-electric tractor (Solectrac CET four-wheel drive compact electric tractor). The zero-emission tractor is powered with a 22-kWh lithium-ion-phosphate battery pack and a 30-horsepower motor.
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and are surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for these projects in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 02, 2022
Contact: Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2021-16
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of three diesel tractors with two battery‑electric tractors through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (South Coast AQMD) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 23CMP19
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U. and Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The first replacement is for one diesel-fueled tractor with one zero-emission battery-electric tractor (Monarch MK-V (2WD). For the second replacement, the project will replace two diesel-fueled tractors with one zero‑emission battery‑electric tractor (Monarch MK-V (4WD). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
For this project, the district will coordinate with their CARB liaison to submit project details into the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database using the Non-Calculation form.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the air district's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 30, 2021
Contact: Cynthia Ortiz(626) 459-4322
Reference # 2021-15
Request: Allow the district to donate off-road equipment to CARB or its contractor to conduct emissions testing prior to scrap. Specifically, exempt the tractor from the 60-day limit between the applicant taking possession of their replacement tractor and the salvage of the baseline tractor and, upon pickup of the baseline tractor, transfer the responsibility of destroying and documenting the tractor’s salvage to CARB or its contractor.
Air District: Placer County Air Pollution Control District (APCD)(Project Number: 2132)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, D.1.(P) and D.4.(E)(4)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: Moyer Program Guidelines require baseline equipment to be permanently removed from service in California through engine destruction. In this case, Placer County APCD has volunteered to partner with CARB for renewable diesel (RD) and biodiesel (BD) agricultural engine emissions testing. CARB has contract #21ISD002 in place with the U.C. Riverside (Contractor) Center for Environmental Research and Technology to conduct emissions testing on a Tier 2 approximately 100-150 HP tractor engines. U.S. EPA has provided this funding to further evaluate engine emissions and performance effects from the use of pure RD (RD99/RD100) fuel and, potentially, other RD/BD blends in this engine class.
Upon pick up from the tractor owner, the responsibility of destroying the baseline tractor will transfer to CARB or its contractor, allowing the applicant and the district to continue with the reimbursement procedures.
Note, this approval applies only to Placer County APCD project 2132 and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines, and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database and if needed, please coordinate with your CARB Liaison on how to enter this project into CARL.
Determination Date: December 24, 2021
Contact: Derek Winters (915) 542-3417
Reference # 2021-13
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric agricultural tractor funded through Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District’s (MBUAPCD or District) Carl Moyer program. (Project Numbers: D21-01 & D21-02)
Air District: MBUAPCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of replacing two diesel-powered agricultural tractors with two zero-emission battery-electric tractors (Monarch MK4, 4x4).
Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one‑for‑one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the projects. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the projects conform to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for these projects in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 28, 2021
Contact: Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2021-14
Request:Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric agricultural tractor funded through Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District’s (MBUAPCD or District) Carl Moyer program. (Project Number: D21-03)
Air District: MBUAPCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one diesel-powered agricultural tractor with a zero-emission battery-electric tractor (Monarch MK4, 4x4). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go toward reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero‑emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 28, 2021
Contact: Holmes Bassette, (951) 542-3081
Reference # 2021-09
Request: Approval of an off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through Butte County Air Quality Management District’s Carl Moyer State Reserve funds.
Air District: Butte County AQMD
Project Number: CMR22-20-01
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U, and Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a 2012 Interim Tier 4 Linde H30D diesel forklift with an electric, zero-emission forklift (Hyster J60XN). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure that the project conforms to all applicable guidelines and statutes, including cost-effectiveness, and are surplus to existing in-use regulations.
Determination Date: June 01, 2021
Contact: Joshua Simmons (916) 327-9435
Reference # 2021-07
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of two diesel powered forklifts with two zero-emission electric forklifts through the Tuolumne County Air Pollution Control District’s (APCD) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: Tuolumne County APCD
Project Number: SPICC Forklift Replacements
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Sections D.1.(E) and Chapter 2, Section U.
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two diesel forklifts, with two new battery-electric, zero emission forklifts (Hyster J60XN). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the air district's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: May 18, 2021
Contact: Cynthia Ortiz(626) 459-4322 and Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2021-03
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of one diesel-powered tier-3 rail car mover with one diesel-powered tier-4 final rail car mover through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District’s (SJVAPCD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) Program.
Air District: SJVAPCD (Project Number: G-91526)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Section E.2.(F)(2)a.
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one diesel-powered tier-3 (Trackmobile Titan) rail car mover with a tier-4 final rail car mover (Trackmobile Titan). Baseline tier-3 will be sent to Van G Logistics in Fowler, CA to replace a tier-0 with 1,000 annual hours. Tier-0 will be dismantled.
Per Moyer Guidelines, the air district provided information indicating the replacement equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk.
This applicant is considered a large off-road fleet according to the off-road regulation developed by CARB. The Carl Moyer guidelines state that all large fleets had to be funded by 12/31/2019. SJVAPCD is requesting a case by case approval to fund a large fleet beyond the 12/31/2019.
This project will use CAP Funds, and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. This category of project is identified in the Community Emissions Reduction Program (CERP) for the South Central Fresno Community. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community and is consistent with project types supported by the community.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: February 16, 2021
Contact: Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495, Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541
Reference # 2021-01
Request: Approval to fund the repower of four (4) diesel-powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid, diesel-electric systems through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program approving
1) the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system and
2) the cost effectiveness calculations utilization of a hybrid factor.
Air District: SCAQMD (Project Number: 22CMP49)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U and Appendix D, Table D-7
CARB Action:
1) Approved
2) Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of repowering four diesel-powered RTG cranes (ZPMC RC40.6/56) with hybrid diesel-electric systems.
1) Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid, diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The District provided information indicating the repower equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one repower of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the repower equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk. Therefore, the hybrid diesel-electric equipment is eligible as repower equipment for program funding.
2) The District provided documentation that the diesel engine operates like a generator charging the battery system. In support of the reduced diesel usage a hybrid factor that reduces the future annual hours and a reduced engine load factor was utilized in program calculations. The District provided documentation in support of the hybrid system engine load operations. The request to use cost effectiveness calculations as provided with this case-by-case is approved.
This project will use CAP Funds, and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: January 28, 2021
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-37
Request: Approval to fund a 2-for-1 and non-like for like replacement of one (1) off-road uncontrolled tractor and Tier 1 self-propelled baler with a Tier 4 Final tractor with a baler attachment funded through the Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District’s (AVAQMD) Carl Moyer program.
Air District: Antelope Valley AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5.D.4.(F)(2), and Chapter 5.D.4(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered uncontrolled tractor (CASEIH 7210) with a Tier 4 Final diesel-powered tractor (JD 6130M) and replacing a Tier 1 self-propelled baler (Freeman 385) with a zero emissions baler attachment. Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund only items essential to the operation of the equipment, the Guidelines require that replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing equipment. The air district provided information that the zero-emission baler attachment can serve the same function as the self-propelled baseline equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission baler attachment is eligible as replacement equipment for the self-propelled baler under Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 28, 2020
Contact: Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495
Reference # 2020-35
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of an agricultural tractor with a skid-steer loader through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (AQMD or District).
Air District: Bay Area AQMD (Project Number: 22MOY18)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Section D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a 1945 Allis Chalmers Model #HD14 Tier-0, 127 horsepower (HP) engine tracked agricultural tractor including its loader/blade attachment with a 2020 Takeuchi model #TL12R compact tracked loader with a Tier 4 final, 111 HP engine (Engine Family #LKBXL03.8AMD), funded through the Carl Moyer Program. According to the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent to the existing equipment. The air district provided documentation supporting the applicants claim that this piece of equipment will serve the same function as the existing equipment. A case-by-case determination is required due to the different equipment classifications.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 17, 2020
Contact: Cynthia Ortiz (626) 459-4322 and Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-33
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of six (6) cargo loaders with zero-emission technology funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) SOON program
Air District: SCAQMD (Project number: 22CMP147)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2.U, and Chapter 5.D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing six (6) cargo loaders under the off-road airport ground support equipment category. The application specifies that the existing cargo loaders are equipped with diesel engines which they are requesting funding to replace to new battery-electric, zero-emission equipment (2020 TLD 929 ReGen). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 9, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541
Reference # 2020-34
Request: Approval to fund the repower of two (2) diesel-powered top handlers to zero-emission fuel cell systems funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: SCAQMD Project number: 22CMP214
Guidelines Section(s):2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Sections U., Chapter 5, Sections D.1.(J)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of repowering two (2) diesel-powered top handlers (Taylor TXLC-976) to zero-emission fuel cell systems. Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided conformation that the zero-emission fuel cell systems are commercially available and satisfy the three (3) year warranty program requirements. Therefore, the zero-emission fuel cell systems are eligible as repower equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the repower equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This determination does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 8, 2020
Contact: Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495, Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541
Reference # 2020-31
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of one off-road diesel powered rail car mover with one off-road zero-emission electric-powered rail car mover mover funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Carl Moyer program
Air District: SCAQMD (Project number: 22CMP52)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2.U, and Chapter 5.D.1(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered rail car mover (Shuttle Wagon SWX415B) with a zero-emission electric-powered rail car mover (Zephir, 13.90E). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 2, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-30
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of four diesel-powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid, diesel-electric systems through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program approving
1) the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system and
2) the cost effectiveness calculations.
Air District: SCAQMD (Project Number: 22CMP125)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines; Chapter 2.U, Chapter 5.D.1(E), and Appendix D, Table D-7
CARB Action:
1) Approved
2) Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing four diesel-powered RTG with hybrid diesel-electric systems (Kalmar, Model 412318-8L-2045C-HY).
1) Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid, diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information indicating the replacement equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk. Therefore, the hybrid diesel-electric equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for program funding.
2) The air district provided documentation that the diesel engine operates like a generator charging the 200 kw-hr battery system. In support of the reduced diesel usage a hybrid factor that reduces the future annual hours and a reduced engine load factor was utilized in program calculations. The District provided documentation in support of the hybrid system engine load operations. The request to use cost effectiveness calculations as provided with this case-by-case is approved.
This project will use CAP Funds, and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. CAP Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to these communities, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 26, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-29
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of seven (7) forklifts, a yard truck and a materials handler with new battery-electric, zero emission equipment through the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) Program
Air District: SCAQMD (Project Number: 22CMP97)
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5.D.1(E) and Chapter 2.U.
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing seven forklifts, a yard truck and a materials handler with new battery-electric, zero emission equipment. Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of gaseous equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This project will use CAP Funds, and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. CAP Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to these communities, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 23, 2020
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-28
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of 39 propane-powered forklifts with 39 electric forklifts through the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD or District).
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 22CMP-Paper24
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Sections D.1.(E) and Chapter 2, Section U.
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing 39 propane-powered forklifts with 39 Crown model FC5225-50 electric forklifts funded through the Carl Moyer Program Funding. Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of gaseous equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to ensure all other project elements are met, verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 21, 2020
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276 and Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495
Reference # 2020-27
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of an agricultural tractor with a skid-steer loader through the Butte County Air Quality Management District (AQMD or District).
Air District: Butte County AQMD
Project Number:CMR22-20-03
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Sections D.4.(F)(1)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a 1982 John Deere Model #2040 Tier-0 agricultural tractor with loader attachment with a 2019 Caterpillar skid-steer loader Model # 246D3 funded through the Carl Moyer State Reserve. According to the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, replacement equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work equivalent as the existing equipment. The air district has documentation supporting the applicants claim that this piece of equipment will serve the same function as the existing equipment. A case-by-case determination is required due to the different equipment classifications.
Proposed Replacement Equipment: Skid-Steer Loader., Engine Model #C3.3B, Engine Family #KKBXL03.3EKD, Tier 4 Final. 74 HP (grant amount to be based on equipment within 25% of baseline HP).
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 8, 2020
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-26
Request: Approval to replace one diesel-fueled front-end loader for an off-road electric-powered front-end loader funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Carl Moyer Program.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 22CMP215
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
CARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an existing diesel-powered front-end loader with a zero-emission battery-electric front-end loader (Solectrac eUtility Tractor). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the air district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 7, 2020
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-15
Request: Allow compliance with the Fleet Average Option in the Portable Engine Air Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) (CCR, Title 17, section 93116 et. seq) to satisfy the provision in the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines that fleets must be fully compliant with the regulatory requirements in effect for 2020.
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Bay Area AQMD or District)
Project Number: 21MOY81
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Section H.2.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Bay Area AQMD requests approval to allow an applicant’s compliance with the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Portable Engine ATCM-Fleet Average Option to satisfy the requirement that fleets must be fully compliant with the regulatory requirements in effect for 2020 for funding. The 2017 Carl Moyer (Moyer) guidelines do not reflect the November 2018 regulatory amendment to the Portable Engine ATCM and require a case-by-case determination.
CARB staff has reviewed the statement of compliance for this large portable fleet and determined it is eligible for funding under the 2017 Moyer guidelines with up to a five-year project life.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, guidelines, statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: March 26, 2020
Contact: Vicky Hanks (626) 459-4495, Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2020-13
Request: Approval of an off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District’s (APCD or District) Carl Moyer Program. Accept emission reduction and cost-effectiveness calculations based upon fuel use for an off-road equipment replacement project. (Project Number 2019-25 Hayward Lumber).
Air District: Santa Barbara County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E), Chapter 5, Section C.3., Appendix C Formula C-7
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing an existing diesel-powered forklift with a zero-emission battery-electric forklift (HYSTER J90XN). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goals to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information confirming the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide required project emission reductions is at the air district’s risk.
Carl Moyer Program Guidelines require off-road equipment replacement project’s cost-effectiveness and emission reduction calculations to be hour based. The District provided two-years of fuel purchase receipts specific to the baseline equipment. Based upon the documentation received from the air district, project emission reductions and cost-effectiveness may use the fuel-based formula in Appendix C.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 23, 2020
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2020-10
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of six diesel-powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid, diesel-electric systems through the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program approving
1) the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system and
2) the cost effectiveness calculation.
Air District: SCAQMD
Project Number: 21CMP137
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer (CM) Guidelines; Chapter 2, Section U and Appendix D, Table D-7
ARB Action:
1) Approved
2) Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing six diesel-powered RTG with hybrid diesel-electric systems (Kalmar, Model 412318-8L-2045C-HY).
1) Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified. At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid, diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information indicating the replacement equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the District's risk. Therefore, the hybrid diesel-electric equipment is approved as an eligible replacement equipment for CAP funding.
2) The calculations include a hybrid factor that reduces the future annual hours of the hybrid crane engine operation by 60 percent. The air district provided documentation in support of the reduction in usage. Additionally, since the diesel engine operates more like a generator, a reduced engine load factor of 0.43 was used. The District provided documentation in support of the hybrid system engine load operations. The request to use cost-effectiveness calculations as provided with this case-by-case is approved.
This project will use CAP Funds, and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. CAP Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to these communities, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 5, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541
Reference # 2020-08
Request: Approval to fund repower of four diesel-powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid diesel-electric systems through the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program approving:
1) the off-road diesel-electric hybrid system,
2) the cost-effectiveness calculation, and
3) a 10-year zero-emission project life.
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Project Number: 21CMP214
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer (CM) Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U; Chapter 5, Section C.2.(A), C.2.(E); and Appendix D, Tables D-7
ARB Action:
1) Approved
2) Approved
3) Denied
Determination: The proposed project consists of repowering four (4) diesel-powered rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with hybrid, diesel-electric systems (ZPMC/ Corvus Energy). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified or verified.
1) At this time, there is not a formal approval process for hybrid diesel-electric off-road equipment to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information indicating the repower system equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of diesel-powered equipment. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk. Therefore, the request for the diesel-electric hybrid equipment recognition as eligible replacement equipment for CAP funding is approved.
2) The calculations include a hybrid factor that reduces the future annual hours of the hybrid crane operation by 50 percent. The District provided documentation in support of the reduction in usage. Additionally, since the diesel engine operates more like a generator the reduced engine load factor of 0.43 is used. The generator more accurately reflect hybrid system engine load operations. The cost-effectiveness calculations as provided with this case-by-case are approved.
This project will use CAP Funds, and strongly supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. CAP Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to these communities, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
3) Statute (H&SC section 44287.1) allows a 10-year project life for advanced technology zero-emission projects; however as hybrid equipment this does not qualify and so, the 10-year project life request is denied. This project will use CAP Funds, and supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. CAP Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to these communities, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This determination does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 2, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541, Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2020-02
1) Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (AQMD or District) Community Air Protection (CAP) program.
2) Provide guidance on calculation methodology for large-spark ignition (LSI)-powered forklifts with verified retrofit emission control systems. (Project Number: 21CMP26)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U; Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E); Appendix D, Tables D-11b, D-12
ARB Action: Approved
1) The proposed project consists of replacing 24 industrial LSI liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) powered forklifts with zero-emission battery-electric forklifts (Toyota Model 8FBCU32). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline (Guidelines) goal to fund reliable emerging advanced technologies, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
2) The baseline LPG forklifts are equipped with the verified Nett BlueCAT 300 retrofit emission control system (Executive Order G-09-012) which reduces emissions of oxides of nitrogen plus hydrocarbons to 1.0 g/bhp-hr. Consistent with Appendix D, Table D-12, emission factors from Table D-12 for alternative fuel equipment verified to an absolute emission number of 1.0 g/bhp-hr and deterioration rates from Table D-11b are to be used to calculate emission reductions and cost effectiveness. When entering project data into the CARL database, the non-calculation form shall be used.
This project will use CAP Funds, and strongly supports the goals of Assembly Bill 617. The project directly benefits and is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. CAP Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to these communities, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: January 8, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541
Reference # 2019-21
Request: Funding eligibility to repower four existing in-use diesel-powered trams with zero-emission battery-electric drive units with a surplus period of two years using funds from South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD or District) CAP Program (Project Number P-Moyer-48)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 5, Sections D.1.(E), E.2.(F)(1), and E.2.(F)(2)a.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of repowering four compression-ignition diesel-powered trams to zero-emission battery-electric units in a large fleet subject to the In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation. According to the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines (Moyer Guidelines), funding opportunities remain for large fleets only through 12/31/19. This fleet is eligible for funding for up to 21.2% of the fleet’s horsepower, which equates to four trams if the trams are in operation by 12/31/19. The approval of a shortened surplus period would allow the fleet an additional year (by 12/31/20) to complete all four repowers; however, this will also result in a decreased grant award for the project.
This project directly benefits or is located within a disadvantaged community, it makes use of the cleanest available technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. Community Air Protection Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to communities most heavily impacted by air pollution, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is part of realizing those benefits.
Consistent with Moyer Guidelines goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Moyer Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded technologies will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission technology is commercially available and can be used in the repower of diesel powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission technology is eligible for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the zero-emission technology to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the District's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: January 6, 2020
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541; Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference # 2019-16
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission electric-powered rail car mover funded through the South Coast AQMD's Carl Moyer program (Project Number 21CMP250).
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered rail car mover (Shuttlewagon, SWX415B) with a zero-emission electric-powered rail car mover (Nordco, NVX-E). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 31, 2019
Contact: Holmes Bassette (626) 350-6541
Reference # 2019-14
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission electric-powered horizontal grinder equipment funded through the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's (BAAQMD or District) Carl Moyer Program
(Project Number 20MOY217)
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one diesel-powered horizontal wood grinder (West Salem Machinery, 3456 Brute Grinder) with one zero-emission electric-powered horizontal wood grinder (Rotochopper, B-66 E). This is consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies and to also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology. The Carl Moyer Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are California Air Resources Board certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer Program goals. The District provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at BAAQMD risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: August 30, 2019
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2019-07
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the San Diego's APCD CAP program
(Project Number- APCD2018-CARL-0042)
Air District: San Diego APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U; Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing 7 industrial forklifts, 3 large-spark ignition (LSI) propane powered and 4 compression-ignition (CI) diesel powered with zero emission battery-electric forklifts (1, World WFE80, 6 World WFE60 ). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline ("Guidelines") goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also to ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of LSI-powered and CI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This project will use Community Air Protection Funds, and strongly supports the goals of AB 617. The project directly benefits or is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. Community Air Protection Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to communities most heavily impacted by air pollution, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: May 6, 2019
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2019-04
Request: Accept activity in miles for an off-road equipment replacement project. Provide guidance on calculation methodology including appropriate emission factors and deterioration rates for an on-road engine replacing an off-road engine.
(Project Number RL-WWDR-1998)
Air District: El Dorado County AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines Chapter 4, Section B.5.; Chapter 5, Section C.3, and Section D.1.(D)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: El Dorado County AQMD is seeking to fund replacement of a two-engine water well drill rig with a single-engine water well drill rig. The baseline two-engine vehicle uses an on-road drive engine (385 horsepower) and an off-road drill engine (465 horsepower). The replacement vehicle is equipped with a single on-road engine (600 horsepower). The Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (Guidelines) require off-road equipment replacement project's cost-effectiveness and emission reduction calculations to be hour based. The Guidelines state future hours of equipment operation shall be determined from an installed and operational hour meter. The Guidelines also specify that the emission reduction calculations use factors provided in Appendix D.
The following information was used when calculating emission reductions for this project:
- 1. Representing baseline and replacement emission reductions of the on-road drive engine, emission factors (EF) and deterioration rates (DR) are found in Appendix D, Table D-2. This portion of on-road calculations shall be based on historical annual mileage per Chapter 4, Section B.5.
Emission Standards | Emission Factors (g/mi) | Deterioration Rates (g/mi-10k mi) | ||||
NOx | ROG | PM | NOx | ROG | PM | |
Baseline Vehicle | 17.61 | 0.6 | 0.415 | 0.049 | 0.031 | 0.0073 |
Replacement Vehicle | 1.76 | 0.13 | 0.004 | 0.039 | 0.001 | 0.0001 |
- 2. Representing the replacement emission reductions of the on-road engine used as a drill engine, the on-road replacement EFs and DRs from Table D-2 shall be converted to g/bhp-hr using a conversion factor of 4 bhp-hr/mi (See Table below). This is a factor to convert Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) cycle emissions to engine Federal Test Procedure (FTP) certification cycle emissions. With the converted EFs/DRs from the on-road engine, the off-road emission reduction calculations shall be determined using activity in hours per Chapter 5, Section C.3.
Converted Emission Standards | Emission Factors (g/bhp-hr) | Deterioration Rates (g/bhp-hr-hr) | ||||
NOx | ROG | PM | NOx | ROG | PM | |
Replacement Vehicle | 0.44 | 0.03 | 0.001 | 0.000001 | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 |
- 3. The replacement single-engine vehicle shall include both an odometer and an hour meter to determine future annual activity consistent with Guidelines criteria.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. The project information, with the factors listed above, can be entered through the Non-Calculation form in the Clean Air Reporting Log (CARL) database. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 28, 2019
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276, Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2019-02
Request: Approval to fund the replacement of a tractor and loader destroyed by fire prior to contract execution
(Project Number 20MOY51)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 3, Section X.4.(A) and (B), and Chapter 5, SectionD.4.(E)(4)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Bay Area AQMD received an application from Johnson and Neles Dairy to fund five agricultural equipment replacements (Project # 20MOY51) on August 8, 2018. The application approved by the District's Board of Directors on October 17, 2018 included three tractors and two loaders. Pre-inspection of the existing equipment was completed on October 24, 2018 and all equipment were found to be operable. On October 27, 2018, a fire at the applicant's facility destroyed a barn, and a tractor and loader approved for replacement but prior to contract execution. The District is seeking a CBC determination to move forward to fund the project although the equipment was destroyed prior to contract execution.
Per Chapter 3, Section X.4. and Chapter 5, Section D.4.(E)(4), existing equipment must be destroyed in order to permanently remove it from service. This ensures emission reductions are real and permanent and prevents existing equipment from returning to service. The air district provided evidence of the fire incident documenting destruction of the project equipment. Additionally, the air district proposes reducing the funding award for each equipment destroyed by the amount paid to the grantee by insurance. With this, the district may proceed with the project.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: January 23, 2019
Contact: Thomas Evashenk (916) 445-8811, Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2018-30
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through
the South Coast's AQMD's Carl Moyer program (Project Number 20MOY9)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U; Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two large-spark ignition (LSI) propane powered forklifts with two zero-emission battery-electric forklifts (Toyota 05-8FBM20T). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 21, 2018
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2018-29
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission electric-powered material handling equipment funded through the South Coast's AQMD's Carl Moyer program (Project Number 20CMP5)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U, Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two diesel-powered rail car movers with two zero-emission electric-powered rail car movers (Nordco, Electric Navigator NVX-E). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 20, 2018
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2018-26
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklift funded through the Bay Area's AQMD's CAP program (Project Number 20MOY77)
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U; Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing one large-spark ignition (LSI) propane powered forklift with one zero-emission battery-electric forklift (Hyster J120XN). Consistent with the 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guideline ("Guidelines") goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also to ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacements of LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This project will use Community Air Protection Funds, and strongly supports the goals of AB 617. The project directly benefits or is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. Community Air Protection Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to communities most heavily impacted by air pollution, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 12, 2018
Contact: Derek Winters (626) 450-6276
Reference # 2018-25
Request: Approval of off-road zero-emission battery-electric forklifts funded through the Bay Area AQMD's CAP program (Project Number 19MOY148)
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U; Chapter 5, Section D.1.(E)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing two forklifts (a diesel-powered and a large-spark ignition (LSI) propane powered forklift) with two zero-emission battery-electric forklifts (Combilift C8000E). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel and LSI-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This project will use Community Air Protection Funds, and strongly supports the goals of AB 617. The project directly benefits or is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. Community Air Protection Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to communities most heavily impacted by air pollution, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 12, 2018
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2018-18
Request: Approval off-road zero-emission electric-powered material handling equipment funded through the Bay Area AQMD's CAP program (Project Number 19MOY152).
Air District: Bay Area Air Quality Management District
Guidelines Section(s): 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 2, Section U.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed project consists of replacing a diesel-powered material handler with a zero-emission grid-connected electric-powered material handler (Sennebogen 840R, Electric). Consistent with Carl Moyer Program goals to fund emerging advanced technologies yet also ensure incentive funds go towards reliable technology, the Guidelines require that funded emission control technologies are CARB certified or verified. A formal approval process for zero-emission off-road equipment is currently under development to provide assurance that funded equipment will meet Moyer program goals. The air district provided information that the zero-emission equipment is commercially available and can provide one-for-one replacement of diesel-powered equipment. Therefore, the zero-emission equipment is eligible as replacement equipment for Carl Moyer Program funding. Failure of the replacement equipment to provide the required project emission reductions is at the air district's risk.
This project will use Community Air Protection Funds, and strongly supports the goals of AB 617. The project directly benefits or is located within a disadvantaged community, makes use of advanced technology, and is consistent with project types supported by the community. Community Air Protection Funds are intended to bring immediate emissions benefits to communities most heavily impacted by air pollution, and for the reasons outlined above, this project is a crucial part of realizing those benefits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: November 19, 2018
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2018-03
Request: Allow replacement of an existing tractor and self-propelled swather with a tractor and swather attachment (Project Number APCD2017-ORPL-0051).
Air District: San Diego County Air Pollution Control District
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.1.(F) and Section C.3.(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Carl Moyer Program Guidelines state, "only the attachments normally sold with the original equipment, as determined by the district, are eligible for reimbursement on the replacement equipment." In this case, two vehicles, a tractor and a swather will be replaced by a tractor with a swather attachment. This is consistent with guideline criteria that "the replacement equipment must execute the same job as the old equipment" while achieving the additional emission benefits by retiring two pieces of equipment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: January 31, 2018
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2017-09
Request: Allow replacement of existing Tier 3 agricultural tractor with a tractor meeting the Tier 4 final standard (Project Number: K. Tanaka Ranch 19-22).
Air District: Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section A and Section C.2.(A).
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The 2011 Moyer Program Guidelines state that existing equipment engine must have an uncontrolled, Tier 1 or Tier 2 engine to be eligible for equipment replacement. The 2017 Moyer Program Guidelines, adopted by the Board in April 2017, added criteria that allow replacement of existing equipment with Tier 3 engines. The district, although implementing the 2011 guidelines, is requesting a case-by-case approval to replace a tractor with a Tier 3 engine with a tractor equipped with Tier 4 final engine. The air district request allows review of Year 19 project applications according to the 2011 guidelines with the exception of project Tanaka Ranch 19-22, rather than transition to 2017 guidelines in the middle of the funding cycle. In addition, the district provided information indicating this project ranked well based on cost-effectiveness.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project confirms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 11, 2017
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2017-04
Request: Allow the district to donate off-road equipment (a tractor) to an overseas charitable non-profit organization in lieu of scrap.
Air District: Feather River Air Quality Management District
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 3, AA.4 and Chapter 9, C.4.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Moyer Program Guidelines require baseline equipment to be permanently removed from service in California through engine destruction. In this case Feather River District has proposed permanent removal from service in California through shipment overseas. CARB staff believe this overseas shipment is sufficient to ensure permanent removal of the tractor, as it will be received and used by a charitable organization in Sierra Leone for use on a specific farm. This case-by-case exception has a humanitarian objective, as the farm is seeking a tractor to assist its operations growing food for the villagers of Kamasarralie, Sierra Leone.
Feather River District has arranged for transportation of the tractor to the Port of Oakland, for shipping to Lulu Farm in Sierra Leone, under the auspices of a charitable assistance organization. The baseline tractor serial number will be noted on a bill of lading by the shipping company, International Sea and Shipping, to be included in the project file. Lulu Farm will acknowledge receipt of the tractor in a letter for the project file. To help ensure maintenance of the baseline tractor in Sierra Leone, the farm director is certified in motor vehicle technology.
Note this approval applies only to Feather River AQMD project 2017-21, and does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: August 10, 2017
Contact: Sibyl Britton (916) 327-0555
Reference # 2017-03
Request: Allow replacement of existing Tier 3 agricultural tractor with a tractor meeting the Tier 4 final standard (Project Number: 16238 John Bootsma Dairy).
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section A and Section C.2.(A).
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Moyer Program Guidelines state that the existing equipment engine must be equipped with an uncontrolled, Tier 1 or Tier 2 engine. The district is requesting a case-by-case approval to replace a tractor with a Tier 3 engine with a tractor equipped with Tier 4 final engine. The applicant originally requested to replace a Tier 2 tractor with a Tier 4 final tractor. At pre-inspection, it was noted that the baseline tractor was certified to the Tier 3 standard. Based upon information provided by the air district, however, the revised project still meets the cost-effectiveness limit based on the amount awarded.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project confirms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 17, 2017
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2017-02
Request: Allow replacement of two agricultural tractors rated at 77 engine horsepower (hp) and 78 engine hp with one tractor whose engine (175 hp) is greater than 125 percent of the lowest hp of the existing equipment engines.(Project Number: CMP 18-3 Palmer Westbrook).
Air District: North Coast Unified AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.1.(F)(1) and Appendix C, Section 5 formula C-7.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided documentation that the new Tier 4 final tractor will perform the same agricultural operations as the two existing tractors combined. The number of hours the new tractor will operate will be less than the sum of the usage hours of the two existing tractors due to the increased size and capacity of the new tractor.
The district must include the estimated usage of the new tractor in the contract and all data and methodology used to estimate usage must be included in the project file. In addition, the same load factor should be used for the new and existing tractors because the new tractor is accomplishing the same work as the old tractors combined and thus the load on the new engine should be comparable to the load experienced by the existing engines.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project confirms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: March 17, 2017
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2016-11
Request: Allow replacement of existing Tier 3 agricultural tractor with a tractor meeting the Tier 4 final standard (Project Number: Mazzetta Dairy 18MOY12).
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section A and Section C.2.(A).
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Moyer Program Guidelines state that the existing equipment engine must be equipped with an uncontrolled, Tier 1 or Tier 2 engine. The district is requesting a case-by-case approval to replace a tractor with a Tier 3 engine with a tractor equipped with Tier 4 final engine. Based upon information provided by the air district, the proposed project will result in emission reductions and project cost-effectiveness below the maximum guideline limits.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project confirms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: November 8, 2016
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2016-09
Request: Allow replacement of existing Tier 3 agricultural tractor with a tractor meeting the Tier 4 final standard (Project Number: Coultas Farms 18-32).
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section A and Section C.2.(A).
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Moyer Program Guidelines state that the existing equipment engine must be equipped with an uncontrolled, Tier 1 or Tier 2 engine. The district is requesting a case-by-case approval to replace a tractor with a Tier 3 engine with a tractor equipped with Tier 4 final engine. The district provided information indicating this project ranked well based on cost-effectiveness.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project confirms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: November 8, 2016
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2016-07
Request: Allow replacement of existing tracked agriculture equipment with higher horsepower wheeled agriculture tractors (Project Number(s): Hansen Enterprises 18-19; Nunes Custom Farming 18-44)
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(B) and Appendix C, Section B.5. Formula C-7
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The applicant requested higher horsepower agricultural tractors for these projects since equivalent tracked agriculture equipment is not available and the higher horsepower equipment is the minimum powered wheeled tractors able to perform the same work as the old equipment such as pulling farm implements. According to the guidelines, for projects where the horsepower of the baseline and reduced technology differ by more than 25 percent, the load factor is adjusted to account for the work performed by engines with different horsepower. Due to the expected load on the replacement higher horsepower tractor, no adjustment to the load factor is necessary to account for the differences in baseline and replacement equipment horsepower. For project information to be accurately reflected in the CARL database, the project information will need to be entered using the non-calculation form.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project confirms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: July 25, 2016
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2015-15
Request: Funding eligibility for repower of existing in-use diesel-powered yard trucks with zero-emission battery-electric drive system (Project Number(s) Y17-Neovia-OffRd-YdTrck; Y17-YRC-OffRd-YdTrck)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 7, Section B. Table 7-2 and Section D.2
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The proposed projects consist of converting 15 existing diesel-powered yard trucks (nine for YRC and six for Neovia) operating at freight distribution warehouses to operate on 100% battery-electric drive systems. Typical repower projects are diesel-to-diesel repowers and Chapter 7, section B. Table 7-2 of the guidelines states that Tier 3 and Tier 4 repowers are eligible for a maximum funding of 85 percent of repower costs, while maximum funding for diesel to electric are not directly specified. However, solely electric drive equipment has zero exhaust emissions and thus emits below the Tier 4 standards. As such, maximum eligible funding shall be 85 percent of repower costs consistent with a Tier 3 or Tier 4 repower project. The project costs shall be limited to the costs associated with the conversion from diesel to electric only.
The specific electric drive system has not yet been issued an ARB Executive Order or approval letter for sale in California. The district will specify in the contract that no payment can be made until the Executive Order or approval letter has been issued.
Funding levels for diesel to electric repowers may change in the future within the Carl Moyer Program as a result of subsequent data and analysis.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost-effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 3, 2015
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2015-07
Request: Allow replacement of three diesel forklifts with three diesel forklifts using up to a maximum project life of 5 years. (Project Number 16MOY1)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapters 9, Section C.1(C)(1)
ARB Action: No action / No CBC needed
Determination: The air district received documentation stating that the existing diesel forklifts were used for material handling on paved surfaces at an outdoor retail facility moving stone, soil, and other bulk materials and are not classified as rough terrain class 7 forklifts. (Per the Guidelines, diesel rough terrain forklifts are allowed a maximum project life of 3 years). Based upon the information provided and due to how the equipment is used, it is acceptable to use up to a maximum project life of 5 years consistent with class 5 diesel industrial forklifts. In addition, the emission reduction calculations must use load factors associated with forklifts in industrial applications.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: May 7, 2015
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2015-06
Request: 1) Allow replacement of two low-use uncontrolled off-road engines (Project 15-11 and 15-35) with two Tier 4 engines operating at higher annual hourly rate. 2) Fund one of the off-road engines that was purchased prior to contract execution.
Air District: Amador County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapters 3, Section (N)(1); Chapter 7, Sections (G)(1) and (G)(3).
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Due to the clean-up and closure activities required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) at the site where the equipment will be placed, ARB staff determined that an allowance for increased operating hours is warranted, not exceeding 1440 annual hours for two Tier 4 engines replacing two uncontrolled engines previously limited to 80 annual hours of operation. Staff also determined that the existing uncontrolled engines are not subject to the Portable Engine Airborne Toxic Control Measure because they operate 80 hours or less annually, would not count toward fleet averaging, and are thus eligible for repowering [Chapter 7, Section (G)(3)]. In addition, a split emissions calculation was applied for both engines to account for a project life that included NOx, ROG and PM until December 31, 2016, and ROG and NOx only (no PM due to lack of surplus availability [Chapter 7, Section (G)(1)]) between January 1, 2017 and the end of the seven-year total project life. Replacement of the existing uncontrolled engines with Tier 4 engines is approved.
At the time the application was submitted and approved for funding through the Rural Assistance Program, the Air District had an air pollution control officer (APCO). Due to later staff changes, however, the District did not have an APCO to execute a contract between the district and the applicant for approximately 6 months during 2014. Because the RWQCB required clean-up and closure activities at the site and on-site spot fires made it critical for those activities to proceed in 2014, the applicant purchased one replacement engine pending action on an executed agreement, counter to the requirements of Chapter 3, Section (N)(1). Based on these circumstances, funding of the Tier 4 engine that was purchased prior to contract execution is approved.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effectiveness limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: April 16, 2015
Contact: Fernando Berton (916) 327-9435
Reference #2013-42
Request: Allow a 10 year project life for the replacement of three uncontrolled diesel ground support equipment (GSE) with three electric GSE. (Project Number: 15MOY18)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 8, Section D.1(A)(1); Chapter 9, Sections C.1(C)(1) and C.1(C)(4)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district requests approval to allow the replacement of three uncontrolled diesel GSE with three electric GSE utilizing a project life of 10 years. The district notes that the similar electric GSE have operated for over 10 years in the applicant's fleet. This is consistent with Chapter 8, Section D.1(A)(1), which allows for up to 10 years for a new electric purchase of off-road equipment.
A 10 year project life is approved based on the requirement that the emission reductions are determined using on a "split project life," as described in Chapter 9, Section C.1.(C)(4). Chapter 9, Section C.1(C)(1) allows a maximum project life of five years for the replacement of a diesel GSE with a new diesel-fueled GSE. The extension of the project life by an additional five years is justified so long as the additional emissions reductions are based on the reductions achieved from a new Tier 4 "Alternate NOx" diesel engine compared to zero-emission electric equipment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 24, 2013
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference #2013-40
Request: Allow replacement of an existing tractor and self-propelled swather with a tractor and swather attachment. (Project Number AV0114#RR)
Air District: Antelope Valley AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.1.(F) and Section C.3.(C)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The Carl Moyer Program Guidelines state “only the attachments normally sold with the original equipment, as determined by the district, are eligible for reimbursement on the replacement equipment.” In this case two vehicles, a tractor and a swather will be replaced by a tractor with a swather attachment. This is consistent with guideline criteria that “the replacement equipment must execute the same job as the old equipment” while achieving the additional emission benefits by retiring two pieces of equipment.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district's responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 16, 2013
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference #2013-29
Request: Allow replacement of three uncontrolled diesel forklifts with three Tier 4 diesel forklifts using up to a maximum project life of 5 years. (Project Number 14MOY44)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.1(C)(1)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The air district received documentation stating that the existing diesel forklifts were used for material handling primarily to handle lumber, unload trailers, loading racks and loading trucks and are not classified as rough terrain class 7 forklifts. (Per the Guidelines, diesel rough terrain forklifts are allowed a maximum project life of 3 years). Based upon the information provided and due to how the equipment is used, it is acceptable to use up to a maximum project life of 5 years consistent with class 5 diesel industrial forklifts. In addition, the emission reduction calculations must use load factors associated with forklifts in industrial applications.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: September 10, 2013
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference #2013-27
Request: Allow calculation of emission reductions using an unadjusted load factor and allow payment of original grant amount for an off-road equipment replacement project in which a 455 horsepower uncontrolled excavator is replaced with a 321 horsepower interim Tier 4 Alt NOx hybrid excavator. (Project Number CMF13-110)
Air District: San Diego County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Appendix C, Section B.(5)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: According to the guidelines, for projects where the horsepower of the baseline and reduced technology differ by more than 25 percent, the load factor must be adjusted to account for the work performed by engines with different horsepower. For this project, the grantee would like to purchase an alternative hybrid excavator with lower horsepower than the original contracted higher horsepower excavator. In addition, the district would like to pay the grantee the original contracted grant amount for the hybrid replacement equipment. The district received documentation that the replacement equipment can perform the same work as the baseline equipment due to the nature of the work and the design of the hybrid system. Based upon this justification, the emission reductions may be calculated for this project without adjustment to the replacement equipment load factor. With the unadjusted load factor used in the updated emission reduction calculations, original grant amount is below the applicable cost-effectiveness limit and is lower than the maximum allowable grant. As such, the district may pay the original contract amount. The project contract must be amended to reflect the lower horsepower hybrid equipment. Please note additional thorough analysis of off-road hybrid systems is needed to fully understand the emission benefits of such systems. As such, the treatment of emission benefits within the Carl Moyer Program for off-road hybrid projects may change in the future as a result of subsequent studies and analysis.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: September 3, 2013
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference #2013-25
Request: Allow calculation of emission reductions using an unadjusted load factor for an off-road equipment replacement project in which a 370 horsepower Tier 1 crawler tractor is replaced with a 235 horsepower interim Tier 4 Alt NOx hybrid crawler tractor. (Project Number TBD-CM13078)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Appendix C, Section B.(5)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: According to the guidelines, for projects where the horsepower of the baseline and reduced technology differ by more than 25 percent, the load factor must be adjusted to account for the work performed by engines with different horsepower. In this case, the applicant proposes to replace a higher horsepower crawler tractor with a lower horsepower hybrid crawler tractor. The district received documentation that the replacement equipment can perform the same work as the baseline equipment due to the nature of the work and the design of the hybrid system. Based upon this justification, the emission reductions may be calculated for this project without adjustment to the replacement equipment load factor. Please note additional thorough analysis of off-road hybrid systems is needed to fully understand the emission benefits of such systems. As such, the treatment of emission benefits within the Carl Moyer Program for off-road hybrid projects may change in the future as a result of subsequent studies and analysis.
This approval does not constitute a comprehensive review of the project. It is the district’s responsibility to verify that the project conforms to applicable cost effective limits, all other applicable guidelines and statutes, and is surplus to existing emission control rules. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: August 26, 2013
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference #2012-50
Request: Allow replacement of existing 78 horsepower (hp) tractor with a tractor whose engine (115 hp) is greater than 125 percent of the original engine hp. (Project Number 14MOY11)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(D)
ARB Action: No action / No CBC needed
Determination: The district received manufacturer documentation of the availability of equipment meeting the current Tier in the equipment configuration needed to perform tasks required by applicant. The documentation shows the replacement equipment will perform equivalent functions of the old equipment. Guideline criteria allow for air district discretion to approve funding for equipment where the horsepower increase is greater than 25 percent in instances where equipment in the old horsepower range is not available or the new higher horsepower equipment will result in equal or less annual emissions. With the documentation obtained by district staff included in the project file, no approval is required for this project and is eligible provided all other applicable guideline criteria are met.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 18, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference #2012-49
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped in 2012 with a flexibility engine. (Project Number: CMP 13-31)
Air District: North Coast Unified AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered around January 1, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: December 18, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference #2012-46
Request: Allow for funding of two pieces of off-road equipment shipped in 2012 with flexibility engines. (Project Number: 13MOY18 – Unit 1 and Unit 2)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered around January 1, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: November 16, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2012-42
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped in 2012 with a flexibility engine. (Project Number: C-8371 John Romanini& Sons)
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered early in 2012, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 15, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2012-36
Request: Allow the electrification of three rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes with a 16 year project life while the existing diesel engines remain installed and operational for a limited number of hours each year. (Project #17)
Air District: South Coast AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 7, Section D.2 & Chapter 3, Section BB.4
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The 2011 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines currently allows up to a 7 year project life for a repower only project, based on a diesel-to-diesel repower. The district provided justification of a 16 year project life for the electrification of three rubber-tired gantry cranes that are currently equipped with diesel engines, citing electrical power installations of this type typically have an expected life of 20+ years. Furthermore, the district also requested a deviation from the engine destruction requirement because the diesel engines will still be necessary for minimal propulsion activities for maintenance and minor operating purposes. Staff has approved these aspects of this project contingent on the applicant and/or district meeting the following conditions:
- All cargo handling equipment must be in compliance with the regulatory requirements.
- Hour meters must be maintained on the RTG crane diesel engines.
- The maximum limit on each diesel engine usage (30 hours annually based on a rolling three year average) must be stated in the contract and deducted from calculated emission reductions.
- The contract must include relevant minimum contract requirements, specified in Chapter 3, Section Z of the 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, including but not limited to Section Z.6.(C) and Section Z.6.(D)(2).
Eligible cost include the cable reel system, power trenches, electrical material needed to connect the substation to the crane (e.g. cable connectors, cable drum, power junction, conduits), retrofit installation costs (e.g. engineering, city approval, etc.), partial cost of substation transformer (consistent with Chapter 12, Section C.6.(D)) , and installation of a vault to house electrical items (includes electrical and civil work). Note this approval covers the three RTG cranes listed below:
- Equipment ID: T-12, Serial Number: 7WG04138
- Equipment ID: T-13, Serial Number: 7WG02958
- Equipment ID: T-14, Serial Number: 7WG03016
This approval does not constitute a blanket approval for all projects similar to this one. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for this project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 8, 2012
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference # 2012-39
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped in 2012 with a flexibility engine. (Project Numbers: C-7859-A Todd Ventura; C-8692-A Florencio Cruz)
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered around January 1, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: October 2, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2012-34
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped in 2012 with a flexibility engine. (Project Number: CMP 13-34)
Air District: North Coast Unified AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered early in 2012, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: September 20, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2012-30
Request: Request to use Tier 1 emission factors to calculate the emission reductions for an off-road repower project in which the equipment was produced under the flexibility provisions. (Project Number: CMF13-102)
Air District: San Diego County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 7, Section D.1.(F)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Current guidelines state that for baseline equipment originally produced under the “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers,” the baseline emission rates shall be determined by the model year and horsepower rating of the engine. The emission factor is then selected by using the emission factor for the previous applicable Tier emission standard. In this project, the equipment engine was a 2006 model year with a horsepower rating between 130 ≤ kW< 225 (175 ≤ hp < 300). This would indicate that a Tier 3 engine would be the effective standard in place at the time the equipment was produced. Based on the guideline criteria, the baseline emission reduction calculations would be based on Tier 2 standard, the previous applicable emission standard. When the air district pre-inspected the equipment, the emission control information label confirmed that the baseline equipment was produced under the flex provisions and that the reference engine family listed on the emission label indicated that the family was certified to the Tier 1 standards. Since the project will realize emission reductions based upon repowering an engine meeting the Tier 1 standards to an engine meeting the Tier 3 standards, this request is approved.
Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: September 6, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2012-24
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped in 2012 with a flexibility engine. (Project Number: 13Moy36 – Unit 2)
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered around January 1, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the comment field for the project in the CARL database.
Determination Date: August 10, 2012
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2012-22
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped with a 2012 engine certified to a Family Emission Limit (FEL) above the current (Tier 4) standard. (Project Number: CM10/11-6a)
Air District: San Luis Obispo APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3(A)(4)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow engine manufacturers to certify engines above the emission standards, i.e., to a FEL. On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with engines equivalent to previously certified Tier 3 engines, but either produced under the flexibility provisions of the off-road new engine regulations, or certified to a Tier 4 FEL standard. Previously this project was given a case-by-case approval to fund equipment that had a potential to be shipped with a flexibility engine (CBC # 2012-16, Executive Order U-R-004-0461) instead of a true Tier 3 engine (Executive Order U-R-004-0409) as originally contracted. Instead the equipment was delivered with an equivalent engine, but which was certified to a Tier 4 FEL above the standard (Executive Order U-R-004-0456). It has been noted that for equipment ordered around January 1, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine, with a Tier 3 flexibility engine or Tier 4 FEL engine installed. Eligibility is approved for this equipment utilizing emission factors consistent with the Tier 3 emission levels. Please include this case-by-case reference number in the CARL comment field.
Determination Date: July 30, 2012
Contact: Dave Salardino (626) 575-6679
Reference # 2012-17
Request: Allow the district to conduct pre-inspections after contract execution for Off-Road Equipment Replacement Program (ERP) projects.
Air District: Monterey Bay Unified APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 3, Section AA.6.
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Under case-by-case (CBC) 2011-04 the district has previously been approved to conduct pre-inspections after contract execution for projects funded under the 2008 Guidelines. This CBC extends that approval to include projects funded under the 2011 Guidelines. All documentation required under Chapter 3, Section AA.6. has been provided to ARB by the district.
Determination Date: June 5, 2012
Contact: Dave Salardino (626) 575-6679
Reference # 2012-16
Request: Allow for funding of an off-road piece of equipment that was shipped in 2012 with a flexibility engine. (Project Numbers: CM10/11-6a,b, CM10/11-9)
Air District: San Luis Obispo APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3(A)(8)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The off-road new engine regulations include provisions that allow equipment manufacturers (often called original equipment manufacturers or OEMs) to build new equipment with newly manufactured engines that meet previous tier emission standards. These provisions are called “flexibility provisions for equipment manufacturers.” On January 1, 2012, new Tier 4 emissions standards took effect for engines 75 to 175 horsepower. As a result, some new equipment is being produced with flexibility engines that meet the Tier 3 emission standard levels. It has been noted that for equipment ordered around January 1, it is difficult to know whether the off-road equipment would be shipped with a new true Tier 3 engine rather than equipment with a Tier 3 flexibility engine installed. To account for this situation, ARB notified air districts that for contracts entered into during this time of transition from Tier 3 to Tier 4 standards, case-by-case requests would be considered for projects where equipment with flexibility engines were delivered to dealers when districts and applicants had an expectation that the equipment would be shipped with true Tier 3 engines.
Determination Date: May 30, 2012
Contact: Dave Salardino (626) 575-6679
Reference # 2011-61
Request: Allow the replacement of two harvester tractors rated at 62 engine horsepower (hp) and 42 engine hp with one harvester tractor whose engine (99 hp) is greater than 125 percent of the lowest horsepower of the existing equipment engines. Determine the usage by calculating a ratio of the usage hours of the two existing tractors. (Project Number CMP 13-4 – Renner Ranches)
Air District: North Coast Unified AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.1(F)(1)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided documentation that the new tractor will perform the same agricultural operations as the two existing tractors combined. The number of hours the new tractor will operate will be less than the sum of the usage hours of the two existing tractors due to the increased size and capacity of the new tractor. Furthermore, the district provided documentation that the 99 hp tractor is the lowest rated hp tractor equipped with a current emission standard engine that is capable of performing the work of the existing tractors.
The district must include the estimated usage of the new tractor in the contract and all data and methodology used to estimate usage must be included in the project file. In addition, the same load factor should be used for the new and existing tractors because the new tractor is accomplishing the same work as the old tractors combined and thus the load on the new engine should be comparable to the load experienced by the existing engines.
Determination Date: December 9, 2011
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference # 2011-35
Request: Allow replacement of two existing 124 horsepower (hp) agricultural wheel loaders with two agricultural wheel loaders whose engines (162 hp) are greater than 125 percent of the original hp. (Project Numbers C-7478 & C-7477 – Central California Almond Growers Association)
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 9, Section C.3.(D)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Dealer and manufacturer documentation was provided justifying that the new wheel loaders are equivalent to the old wheel loaders and will perform the same agricultural operation as the existing wheel loaders. The documentation stated that the replacement wheel loaders have the same configuration, bucket size, weight and are designed to perform the equivalent work. Since the closest replacement wheel loaders available with the specifications to meet the needs of the applicant are wheel loaders with 162 hp engines, these projects are eligible provided all other applicable guideline criteria are met.
Determination Date: June 6, 2011
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2011-33
Request: Allow the air district to comingle local mitigation funds with Moyer funds for an Equipment Replacement Program (ERP) project (Project #:AP101109).
Air District: Santa Barbara APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter II, Section (c)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The District has requested to combine $143,000 of local mitigation funds with $57,000 of Carl Moyer Program funds to fund one project. The district stipulations for mitigation funds require the project to provide at least 10 tons of NOx emission benefit for the project lifetime and be cost-effective at $14,300 per ton. To combine funds, the district must ensure the project is cost-effective at $16,400 per ton and meets Moyer criteria. In this case by case, the total funds put toward the project $200,000 (the incremental cost) must be considered in the Moyer program cost-effectiveness calculation. The project's total lifetime NOx emission reductions is 16.5 tons, 11 tons NOx are being credited to the mitigation fund and 5.5 tons NOx are being credited to the Moyer program. All of the project's ROG and PM emission reductions are credited to the Moyer program. Since the district's mitigation program is receiving credit for a portion of the project's emission benefits, the Moyer portion of the project must meet the Moyer cost-effectiveness limit based solely on the emission benefits claimed for Moyer (i.e., the remaining non-mitigation claimed benefits). Following this procedure, the project meets the cost-effectiveness for both Moyer and the District mitigation requirements with a 4 year project life. The emissions for each program are accounted for and distributed to each program so there is no duplicate counting of emissions.
Determination Date: May 6, 2011
Contact: Laura Zaremba-Schmidt (626) 459-4394
Reference # 2011-28
Request: Allow replacement of an existing front end loader with a backhoe. (Project Number 11-ORERP Backhoe Replacement)
Air District: Glenn County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter VII, Section IV(c)(2)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided justification that the replacement backhoe will perform the equivalent tasks as the existing front end loader. The documentation stated that while the replacement backhoe may have smaller loading capacity than the existing loader, the work being performed by the replacement piece of equipment will be the same as the existing equipment. Therefore, this project is eligible provided all other applicable guideline criteria are met.
Determination Date: April 19, 2011
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2011-18
Request: Allow replacement of existing 65 horsepower tractor with a tractor whose engine (95 horsepower) is greater than 125 percent of the original engine horsepower. (Project Number CMP 12-6)
Air District: North Coast Unified AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Guidelines, Chapter VII, Section IV (c)(4)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided dealer documentation justifying that the new tractor is needed to perform the same agricultural operations as the existing tractor. The documentation stated that the existing tractor is a rare configuration with specific width and clearance, in combination with a transmission creeper feature needed in the raising of a particular crop. Since the closest replacement tractor available with the specifications necessary to meet the needs of the applicant is a tractor with a 95 horsepower engine, this project is eligible provided all other applicable guideline criteria are met.
Determination Date: March 29, 2011
Contact: Rhonda Runyon (626) 350-6551
Reference # 2011-04
Request: Allow the district to conduct pre-inspections after contract execution for Off-Road Equipment Replacement Program (ERP) projects.
Air District: Monterey Bay Unified APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Program Administration, Section 31(f)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district has provided a written justification of reduced staff resources associated with delaying pre-inspections for ERP projects. The ERP contract includes a clause for voiding the contract if the baseline equipment specifics are not met as described in the contract. The district Policies and Procedures manual includes a description of the timeline by which the district will conduct a pre-inspection post contract execution as well as language ensuring that no payment will be made prior to pre-inspection and equipment verification. The district has met the case-by-case allowance requirements as defined in Program Administration Section 31(f).
Determination Date: February 1, 2011
Contact: David Salardino (626) 575-6679
Reference # 2010-40
Request: Use a particulate matter (PM10) emission factor of 0.088 grams per brakehorsepower-hour (g/bhp-hr) for Tier 3 engine with a horsepower over 175.
Air District: Bay Area AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Appendix B, Table B-13
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district noted that in Appendix B, Table B-13, the emission factor for a Tier 3 engine is higher than its Tier 1 equivalent for PM10 in the greater than 175 horsepower range. The emission factor for the PM10 (Tier1 engine) is 0.108 g/bhp-hr and the PM10 (Tier 3 engine) is 0.112 g/bhp-hr. These emission factors would result in a PM10 increase when replacing an equipment with a Tier 1 engine with an equipment with a Tier 3 engine, which is inconsistent with the difference in standards to which the engines are certified. ARB staff noted the emission factors discrepancies and intends to release an advisory outlining more accurate emission factors for the various horsepower groups. In the interim, Moyer confirmed with inventory that the correct PM10 emission factor for a Tier 3 engine with a horsepower over 175 should be 0.088 g/bhp-hr.
Determination Date: September 22, 2010
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference # 2010-30
Request: Replace two tractors, each with engines less than 50 horsepower with one tractor of about 100 horsepower.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter VII, Section IV(b)(5)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided dealer documentation justifying that the new tractor is needed to perform the same agricultural operations as the existing tractors. The documentation stated that when the existing tractors were purchased to perform the work on 80-inch center rows, the only tractors available for that spacing, and low enough to get in the housing entrance of 7 feet were two-wheel drive models at 35 to 50 horsepower. Since then, various tractor manufacturers have begun selling "Mudder or Row Crop" tractor that allows various wheel spacings and crop clearance, but most models, because of the diversity of the agricultural market, are offered at 90 horsepower and above. The dealer also stated that there is no two-wheel drive tractor with less than 50 horsepower that is capable of performing work on 80-inch center rows that can replace the existing tractors.
Determination Date: August 24, 2010
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference # 2010-13
Request: Replace two tractors, each with engines less than 150 horsepower with one tractor of over 250 horsepower.
Air District: Ventura County APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter VII, Section IV(b)(5)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: The district provided dealer documentation justifying that the new tractor, due to its size, can accomplish the same amount of work as both smaller tractors working together. The documentation stated that the new tractor can pull a 20 ft disc with less time than the two baseline tractors can pull a 10 ft disc each. Staff determined that, due to the nature of this replacement project and work performed, in contrast to Section IV(b)(5), the usage of the two existing tractors should not be summed to determine the usage of the new tractor. The district shall utilize an average of the annual usage rates of the baseline for the usage rate of the new tractor. The annual emissions from each of the baseline tractors are to be summed to determine baseline emissions for the project. In addition, the same load factor should be used in the cost-effectiveness calculation for the new and existing tractors because the new tractor is accomplishing the same work as the old tractors working together, and thus the load on the new engine should be comparable to the load experienced by the existing engines.
Determination Date: May 24, 2010
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485
Reference # 2010-07
Request: Applicant requested to modify contracted project to exchange two harvesters originally contracted to be repowered with two substitute harvesters that operate more annual hours. The removed engines would be installed in the originally contracted harvesters, as an engine trade-down, with the originally contracted engines to be scrapped.
Air District: San Joaquin Valley APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2008 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter V, Section IV(b)(11)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Staff confirmed that all the engines involved are not subject to any state or district regulatory requirements. The District was asked to include a comment in CARL to reflect that there is a swap in the engines and include information on all engines involved in the project.
Requirements Upon Approval
- The contract must be amended to reflect the addition of the two new harvesters and specify that only installations of the two new Tier 3 engines would be paid for by Moyer.
Determination Date: Mar. 16, 2010
Contact: Dinh Quach (626) 350-6485