Case-by-Case Determinations: Light-Duty Vehicles
Reference # 2013-38
Request: 1) Allow the district to fund Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement (VAVR) program projects that have experienced a non-operational period or lapse in registration that occurred at the beginning of the required two-year registration period. 2) Allow the funding of registered vehicles in the program that have a Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) work date indicated by the DMV records that is seven calendar days or less after the registration expiration (so long as the DMV has not assessed a fee indicating a lapse in registration). 3) Allow the use of vehicle history information, such as a DMV letter or website information, current and two past registration certificates or DMV records, to satisfy the proof of registration documentation requirement.
Air District: San Luis Obispo APCD
Guidelines Section(s): 2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines, Chapter 13, Light Duty Vehicles, Section D.3.
ARB Action: No action / No CBC needed
Determination: Guideline criteria allow air districts some discretion to approve funding for vehicles as part of the VAVR program. While the Guidelines require registration for the most recent 24 month period, the Guidelines do allow for a vehicle to have been placed in non-operational status for two or fewer months, or to have a lapse in registration for less than six months. The Guidelines do not prohibit the non-operational or registration lapse period from being at the beginning of the 24 month registration period. Additionally, if the DMV has not levied a fine for late registration (which may often be the case when the work is less than seven days from the registration expiration, due to payment processing time) then the vehicle is considered to have continuous registration over that period. Lastly, the Guidelines provide flexibility pertaining to registration documentation, such that information obtained from the DMV, including its website, as well as copies of the current and past two year registration certificates, indicating continuous registration, are reasonable and allowable forms of documentation.
Determination Date: November 21, 2013
Contact: Yvonne Sanchez (626) 575-6618
Reference # 2010-20
Request: Allow Voluntary Accelerated Vehicle Retirement (VAVR) Contracts to be regarded as multi-equipment contracts for expenditure tracking purposes
Air District: Antelope Valley AQMD
Guidelines Section(s): Part III, Section 18 (b)(c)
ARB Action: Approved
Determination: Carl Moyer program funds for multi-equipment projects are considered fully expended when one invoice for that project has been paid. The funds must be expended by the deadline, which is at the end of the two-year grant cycle. Funds must be liquidated, meaning all payments for the project have been made, by four years after the beginning of the grant cycle. Antelope Valley AQMD uses a third-party contractor to administer their VAVR program. The amount dedicated through the contract is $42,000. Since more than half of the contract amount is paid, the contract to complete VAVRs will be regarded as a multi-equipment project. The district is obligated to ensure liquidation of the full contract before the liquidation deadline. ARB will track district progress toward achieving the liquidation requirement.
Determination Date: June 25, 2010
Contact: Jennifer Kozumplik (916) 445-3516