Carl Moyer Program - State Reserve Solicitation
In March of 2023 the air districts and CARB met to discuss air district priorities and how the partnership between air districts and CARB could be strengthened. Following that discussion, the air districts were consulted and surveyed as part of the decision-making process for the selection of project categories eligible for State Reserve funds. As part of this process air districts expressed a desire for additionally flexibility in their use of State Reserve funds but were all in agreement that zero-emission project types should be the priority.
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024, State Reserve funds will be directed toward all Moyer eligible zero-emission project categories. As California pushes for zero-emission equipment in all sectors, and some of CARB’s regulations are beginning to require zero-emission equipment, it was determined that all categories would benefit from additional funding dedicated to zero-emission equipment. CARB and the air districts are in alignment to prioritize all zero-emission equipment for this year’s State Reserve.
CARB has approximately $12.35 million for State Reserve FY 2023-2024. Eligible projects are open to all zero-emission projects eligible under the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines. Forklift replacement projects must replace forklifts with lift capacities of less than or equal to 8,000 lbs. This lift capacity was specifically selected to avoid competition with VW Mitigation Funds that target forklifts with a lift capacity of 8,001 lbs or greater. For those air districts that receive applications for forklifts with a lift capacity of 8,001 lbs or greater, they are encouraged to direct those potential participants to the following website:
All air districts are eligible to participate. Additionally, all projects must be eligible in accordance with the Carl Moyer Program Guidelines.
More information about the FY 2023-2024 State Reserve Solicitation and how air districts can apply for funding:
- Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (Moyer Year 26) State Reserve Project Solicitation
- State Reserve Application (Air Districts Only)
- Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (Moyer Year 26) Allocations- TBD