Final Community Air Protection Blueprint 2.0 (2023)
This Final Blueprint 2.0 (2023) serves as CARB’s Statewide Strategy, translating foundational legislative directives (AB 617 in 2017, AB 197 in 2016, and AB 1749 in 2022) into implementation guidance. The first Community Air Protection Blueprint was adopted by the CARB Board in September 2018. Blueprint 2.0 consists of two parts. Part One contains goals, objectives, and priority actions for CARB and air districts in implementing Program activities. Part Two consists of updated implementation guidance to help all Program partners achieve the goal of reducing harmful emissions and exposure to toxic air contaminants and criteria air pollution in communities most impacted by poor air quality.
Final Community Air Protection Blueprint 2.0 and Appendices
BP2.0_FULL_FINAL_ENG_2024_04_09.PDF · 2.835 MB
Programa de Protección del Aire Comunitario Plan Marco 2.0