Stationary Source Guidance Documents
Disclaimer: This tool was developed to promote transparency. This is not a complete record. Each document in the collection speaks for itself, and the inclusion or exclusion of a document in the collection is not intended to communicate anything more than what is expressed within each document. CARB makes no independent representations on this website as to the extent to which any document in the collection reflects the author's current views on the topic, is a final action, or has any legal effect or precedential weight. Some of the information or views included in the documents may be affected by subsequent changes to the referenced statutory or regulatory language or by court decisions. In addition, statements by other agencies may be based on regulations which may differ from rules that govern California or local programs. Permitting authorities are advised to consult with their EPA Regional Offices if there is a question as to the relevance of a particular statement.
Please contact us with documents you would like added to this tool.