Past BARCT and RACT Determinations
The California Clean Air Act of 1988 requires, among other things, that local air districts develop attainment plans to achieve the state ambient air quality standards as expeditiously as practical. These plans must include regulations that require control technologies for reducing emissions from existing sources. Historically, CARB developed RACT / BARCT determinations to aid districts in developing regulations. The determinations also helped promote consistency of controls for similar emission sources among districts with the same air quality attainment designations. Information on current emissions limits, including BACT, BARCT, and RACT can be found in the Technology Clearinghouse.
Past BARCT and RACT Determinations
Stationary Spark-Ignited Internal Combustion Engines
November 2001 determination of RACT and BARCT for controlling nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and carbon monoxide (CO) from stationary, spark-ignited reciprocating internal combustion engines.
Adhesives and Sealants
December 1998 determination of RACT and BARCT for controlling VOC emissions from the commercial and industrial application of solvent-based adhesives and sealants.
Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters
July 1991 determination of RACT and BARCT for controlling NOx and CO from industrial, institutional, and commercial boilers, steam generators, and process heaters.