Brinks, Inc. Settlement
$147,000 in Fines Paid by Brinks, Inc.
Brinks, Inc. agreed to pay $147,000 in a settlement agreement with the Air Resources Board (ARB) for failure to self-inspect their diesel trucks for compliance with the state's smoke emissions standards. ARB inspectors documented violations between 2005 and 2006 at Brinks facilities around the state. Brinks, known for armored vehicle services and security systems, violated California's Periodic Smoke Inspection Program (PSIP), which requires annual smoke opacity tests of California-based fleets. The program, in conjunction with ARB's roadside smoke inspection program, is used to ensure that all of California's heavy-duty vehicles are properly maintained, tamper-free and free from excessive smoke emissions. In addition to the settlement monies, Brinks has agreed to comply with the smoke inspection program and will require all fleet staff responsible for compliance with the ARB's regulations to attend classes conducted by the California Council on Diesel Education and Technology. In addition, Brinks must supply all smoke inspection records for 2007-2009 and have properly labeled engines to ensure compliance with the engine emissions certification program regulations. All monies are being paid to the California Air Pollution Control Fund, which was established to mitigate various sources of pollution through education and the advancement and use of cleaner technology. This fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, uses compliance settlement fees to support various pollution-related research projects and related programs.