BP West Coast Products LLC Case Settlement
BP West Coast Products LLC Case Settles for $250,000
BP West Coast was found in violation of Title 13, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Sections 2250-2273.5. CARB staff discovered a sulfur and an aromatic hydrocarbon violation during routine inspections. In November 2009, routine compliance samples collected by Enforcement Division (ED) from five compartments of a marine vessel, revealed an exceedance of the sulfur content limit reported in the Predictive Model (PM) specifications. In March 2010, retain samples collected during a routine inspection revealed an exceedance of the aromatic hydrocarbon content limit reported in the PM specifications.
Enforcement Division confirmed that BP violated the California Reformulated Gasoline Regulation (CaRFG) as codified in California Code of Regulations, title 13, section 2250-2273.5, et seq. (13 CCR § 2250-2273.5). More specifically, BP violated section 2261, section 2265, section 2266.5 and section 2268 of the CaRFG.
BP agreed to pay $125,000.00 for five days of violation of the sulfur limit violation and $125,000.00 for five days of violation of the aromatic hydrocarbon limit violation or a per unit penalty of $25,000.00. BP paid the total amount of $250,000.00 to the California Air Pollution Control Fund.
BP, Company is now in compliance of Tittle 13, CCR, Sections 2250-2273.5