Bourget's Bike Works Settlement
$93,639 in Fines Paid by Bourget's Bike Works
The Mobile Source Enforcement Section in conjunction with the California Attorney General’s Office has received a Notice of Entry Judgment against Bourget’s Bike Works located in Phoenix, Arizona. The Judgment orders defendants Bourget’s Bike Works to pay civil penalties of $75,000.00 for violations of Health and Safety Code Section 43150 et seq. It also orders them to pay civil penalties of $2,850.00 for violations of Health and Safety Code Sections 43017 and to pay investigative costs of $1,529.50 and attorney’s fees of $14,259.50. Bourget’s Bike Works had been issued an Executive Order by ARB so that they could sell their motorcycles in California. During a routine inspection at all of their dealers located in California, it was found that some of the models that were being offered for sale were missing some or all of the emissions control equipment. The missing emission controls were all part of the evaporative control system that is required for all on-road motorcycles certified and sold in California. It was also found that model years 2004, 2005 and 2006 all had the wrong emissions control labels installed. As part of the corrective action, each motorcycle was returned to its certified configuration.