Board Resolutions 2000
Resolutions are a document the Board uses to vote on a proposed action. After the Board approves a resolution, it will be posted within two weeks after the Board meeting.
Resolution Number | Item | Hearing Date |
00-1 | Moyer Program Update | January 27, 2000 |
00-2 | Transit Bus Standards | January 27, 2000 |
00-3 | Compression Ignition Engines (M-9) | January 27, 2000 |
00-4 | South Coast 1999 SIP Rev. | January 27, 2000 |
00-5 | Leaf Blower Report | January 27, 2000 |
00-6 | Research Proposal: "Reponses in Asthmatic Children to Short-term Fluctuations in Particulate Air Pollution: Implications for Asthma Natural History - Part A: Epidemiologic and Clinical Component" | January 28, 2000 |
00-7 | Research Proposal: "Reponses in Asthmatic Children to Short-term Fluctuations in Particulate Air Pollution: Implications for Asthma Natural History - Part B: Exposure Assessment Component" | January 28, 2000 |
00-8 | AG Burning Guidelines | March 23, 2000 |
00-9 | Enhanced Vapor Recovery | March 23, 2000 |
00-10 | Recommendations on 8-Hour Ozone Standards | March 23, 2000 |
00-11 | Auto Maintenance and Repair ATCM | April 27, 2000 |
00-12 | Research Proposal: "Refinement and Demonstration of a New Indoor Continuous Nitrogen Dioxide Monitor" | April 27, 2000 |
00-13 | Research Proposal: "Development of Reactivity Scales via 3-D Grid Modeling of California Ozone Episodes" | April 27, 2000 |
00-14 | Research Proposal: "Demonstration of the High Volume Collection System (HVCS) for Direct Measurement of Mass Emission Rates of Hydrocarbon Leaks" | April 27, 2000 |
00-15 | Aerosol Adhesives Control Measure | May 25, 2000 |
00-16 | Rice Straw Grant Awards | May 25, 2000 |
00-17 | ICAT Award - "Demonstration of Oscillating Combustion on a High-Temperature Forging Furnace" | May 25, 2000 |
00-18 | ICAT Award - "Demonstration of Low-Temperature Oxidation of NOx Using Ozone-Injection for Industrial Furnace Applications" | May 25, 2000 |
00-19 | ICAT Award - "Hydrogen Fueling Station for Fuel-Cell-Powered Vehicles" | May 25, 2000 |
00-20 | ICAT Award - "Demonstration of the Use of Fast Charged Electric Ground Support Equipment as a Means of Reducing Airport Emissions while Minimizing Electrical Infrastructure Requirements" | May 25, 2000 |
00-21 | ICAT Award - "Demonstration of SCONOx and SCOSOx to Remove Pollutants from Lean Burn Diesel Stationary Engines" | May 25, 2000 |
00-22 | Aerosol Coatings | June 22, 2000 |
00-23 | Architectural Coatings | June 22, 2000 |
00-24 | Research Proposal: "Studies of the Atmospheric Chemistry of Volatile Organic Componds and of their Atmospheric Reaction Products" | June 22, 2000 |
00-25 | Research Proposal: "Economic Value of Hospitalizations Associated with Particulate and Ozone Air Pollution" | June 22, 2000 |
00-26 | Research Plan 2000-01 | July 20, 2000 |
00-27 | Asbestos - Unpaved Roads | July 20, 2000 |
00-28 | Support for the National Environmental Respiratory Center | September 7, 2000 |
00-29 | ZEV Biennial Review | September 7, 2000 |
00-30 | Diesel Risk Reduction Plan | September 28, 2000 |
00-31 | Diesel Risk Management Guidelines for New Sources | September 28, 2000 |
00-32 | Rice Straw Conditional Burn Permits | September 28, 2000 |
00-33 | Conflict of Interest Code Amendments | September 28, 2000 |
00-34 | Atmospheric Acidity Protection Program Final Assessment | October 26, 2000 |
00-35 | Amendments to Antiperspirant and Deoderant Regulations | October 26, 2000 |
00-36 | Hot Spots Program Fees | October 26, 2000 |
00-37 | Research Proposal | November 16, 2000 |
00-38 | Review of ZEV Grant Program (AB 2081) | November 16, 2000 |
00-39 | Carl Moyer Guidelines Update | November 16, 2000 |
00-40 | Phase 3 CA RFG Clean-Up and Update | November 16, 2000 |
00-41 | Cleaner Burning Gasoline Test Methods | November 16, 2000 |
00-42 | Area Designations | November 16, 2000 |
00-43 | SB 25 Health Standard Review | December 7, 2000 |
00-44 | Proposed School Bus Program | December 7, 2000 |
00-45 | Medium Duty LEV Alignment With EPA/ HDGE Standards | December 7, 2000 |
00-46 | Research Proposal: "Environmental Health Conditions in Portable Classrooms" | December 7, 2000 |
00-47 | Research Proposal: "Detailed Characterization of Indoor and Personal Particulate Matter Concentrations" | December 7, 2000 |
00-48 | Research Proposal: "Collection of Evaporative Emissions Data from Off-Road Equipment" | December 7, 2000 |
00-49 | Research Proposal: "Development of a Test Method to Measure Stationary and Portable Engine Emissions" | December 7, 2000 |
00-50 | Research Proposal: "Improvement for Emissions Inventories for Industrial Coatings and Thinning and Cleanup Solvents" | December 7, 2000 |
00-51 | Research Proposal: "Oxygenated Organics in Gas and Fine Particle Diesel Emissions for Source Apportionment" | December 7, 2000 |
00-52 | Research Proposal: "Demonstration of Ozone Impacts on Crop Species in the San Joaquin Valley: Open Top Chambers at Kearney Agricultural Center" | December 7, 2000 |
00-53 | HDDE "NOT TO EXCEED" TESTING | December 7, 2000 |