Board Member Report: November 6, 2023
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of November 6, 2023.
Public Community Meeting on Cap-and-Trade Program: On November 7 via remote access, CARB will host a community meeting to discuss California’s Cap-and-Trade Program. This will be the second of two community meetings and will share the same information as the first, which was held on October 30. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments.
Public Meeting Regarding “HyStEP 2.0, Device Design, Build, and Warranty”: On November 7 via remote access, CARB will host a public meeting to discuss the notice for Request for Proposals (RFP) titled, “HyStEP 2.0, Design, Build, and Warranty.” CARB staff will discuss RFP, the proposal requirements, and the scoring matrix.
Informational Webinar on Off-Road Regulation Renewable Diesel Requirements: On November 8 via remote access, CARB will host an informational webinar session on the 2022 amendments to the In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets Regulation. This session will be the third of a four-meeting series and will focus on new renewable diesel requirements. The first two sessions provided a general overview of the regulation and 2022 amendments. The fourth session is scheduled for December 5 and will cover the new contracting requirements.
Air Regulatory Overview for California Public Schools: On November 8 via remote access, CARB will host a webinar to provide an overview of air regulations for California public schools. New regulations, such as Advanced Clean Fleets and Clean Truck Check, will be discussed. The purpose of this webinar is to educate public school employees and fleet managers about basic regulatory requirements for heavy-duty vehicles.
Assembly Bill 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Meeting: On November 9 in Sacramento and via teleconference, CARB will host a public meeting for the Assembly Bill 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee. This meeting will include a public comment period.