Board Member Report: June 20, 2022
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of June 20, 2022.
Public Workshop on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Update to the Three-Year Plan for Light Duty Vehicles and Clean Transportation Equity Investments: On June 22 via remote access, CARB staff will hold a third public workshop to discuss the update to the three-year plan for light-duty vehicle and clean transportation equity investments. At this workshop, staff will discuss the zero-emission vehicle market and will also provide updates on metrics to track the market. Stakeholder input is encouraged on methods to ensure an equitable transition and how incentives can help to overcome long-standing inequities.
Board Meeting: On June 23-24 via webcast, the Board will hear the following agenda items: (1) Assembly Bill 617 Community Air Grants to Environmental Health Coalition; (2) overview of the Draft 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan; (3) California’s Regional Haze State Implementation Plan; and (4) the annual enforcement report.
Public Webinar on Particulate Filter Operations and Maintenance: On June 23 via remote access, CARB staff will hold a public webinar on Diesel Emission Control Strategies as well as diesel particulate filter (DPF) technology. The course will cover health impacts from diesel emissions, diesel emission control technology, DPF construction and application, and the maintenance necessary for successful DPF operation.