Board Member Report: February 6,2023
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of February 6, 2023.
Public Work Group Meeting on FY 2022-23 Clean Track and Bus Voucher Incentive Project: On February 8 via remote access, CARB staff will hold a second public work group meeting to discuss the Board approved Fiscal Year 2022-23 policy for the Clean Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project. At this meeting, CARB staff will discuss the implementation timeline, requirements for large fleet bulk purchases, and flexibilities for transit agencies. Additionally, updates will be provided on the funding schedule and vehicle eligibility requirements.
Training Webinar on Large Spark-Ignition Fleet Regulation: On February 9 via remote access, CARB will host a training webinaron requirements for the Large Spark-Ignition (LSI) Fleet Regulation. The course will provide an overview the LSI Fleet Regulation and how it applies to self-propelled vehicles such as forklifts, industrial tow tractors, sweeper scrubbers, and airport ground support equipment. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about reporting and labeling requirements and receive one-on-one assistance prior to the class presentation.
Public Meeting for the Research Screening Committee: On February 10 via remote access, CARB will hold a public meeting of the Research Screening Committee (RSC). Mandated by the Board, RSC is responsible for reviewing projects that are funded or potentially funded by CARB and providing recommendations. The committee is comprised of scientists, engineers and individuals with knowledge and experience in the field of air pollution.