Board Member Report: December 5, 2022
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of December 5, 2022.
Public Workshop on Landfill Methane Emissions: On December 5 via remote access, CARB will hold a public workshop to discuss the results from recent research studies on landfill emissions. Topics to be covered include the technologies used to collect data for the statewide surveys, summaries of the various projects, and the strengths and limitations of existing data. Stakeholder participation is encouraged as CARB staff will seek input on methods, technologies, and priorities to inform future mitigation efforts.
Public Workshop on Program Blueprint Revision Update: On December 6 via remote access, CARB will host a public workshop to discuss an update on the revision to the Community Air Protection Program Blueprint as well as the fifth annual community recommendations and selection process for the Assembly Bill (AB) 617(Garcia, 2017) program. Public participation is strongly encouraged.
Public Webinar on Air Regulation Affecting Public Schools: On December 8 via remote access, CARB staff will host a public training webinar for public school employees regarding basic regulatory requirements for heavy-duty diesel vehicles. The course will include an overview on federal, state, and local air pollution mandates, air regulations, and compliance requirements.
Public Work Group on Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program: On December 8 via remote access, CARB is inviting the public to participate in a public work group meeting to seek input on staff’s proposals for program improvements for the Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program. At this meeting, staff will provide an overview on key updates and discuss possible program changes to better support current funding recipients and future applicants.