Board Member Report: August 29, 2022
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of August 29, 2022.
CARB and Assembly Bill 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee Joint Meeting: On September 1 in Sacramento and via webcast, the Board will hear the following agenda item at the joint meeting of the Assembly Bill 32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) and CARB: 1) recommendation and development of the Final 2022 Scoping Plan, EJAC recommendations submitted for CARB staff’s consideration, and context and background related to environmental justice within the Scoping Plan.
Public Work Group Meeting to Discuss the Light Duty Vehicle Purchase Incentive Programs: On September 1 via remote access, CARB will hold a public work group meeting to discuss the Light-Duty Vehicle Purchase Incentive Programs for Fiscal year 2022-23. These incentive programs include the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, Clean Cars 4 All, and Financing Assistance. At this meeting, CARB staff will discuss Assembly Bill 630 (Cooper, Chapter 636, Statutes of 2017) Report, incentive amounts and potential changes, and a needs-based model for implementation of equity-focused incentive programs.