Board Member Report: April 4, 2022
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of April 4, 2022.
Joint Public Meeting: On April 7 via webcast, CARB will host a joint public meeting with the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). This is the first of two annual joint meetings between these agencies in 2022 to coordinate interagency efforts in the implementation of policies that affect transportation, housing, air quality, and climate. At this meeting, CARB, CTC, and HCD will hear informational presentations on: (1) perspectives on housing and transportation including the California Transportation Assessment and the draft 2022 Progress Report on Sustainable Communities Implementation; (2) funding for coordinated housing and transportation and an overview on regional Early Action Planning grants; (3) a panel discussion on regional transformation and partnerships; and (4) an update on joint accomplishments and agency updates.
Public Work Group Meeting on Fiscal Year 2022-23 Long-Term Heavy-Duty Investment Strategies: On April 8 via webcast, CARB will host a work group meeting to discuss the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Long-Term Heavy-Duty Investment Strategy (Strategy). Required under Senate Bill 1403 (Lara, 2018), the Strategy is built upon previous years’ work of the California Clean Truck, Bus, and Off-Road Vehicle and Equipment Technology Program. At this meeting CARB staff will provide an overview of the Governor’s January Budget Proposal as well as updates to the Strategy, and the School Bus Report.