Board Member Report: April 24, 2023
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of April 24, 2023.
Public Work Group on the New Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding Plan Process: On April 24 via remote access, CARB will host a public work group meeting on the New Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding Plan Process for clean transportation incentives. Staff will discuss specific key changes to improving the overall process including shortening the timeline, streamlining the public process, adding strategic document content, and improving presentation of webpage information. This meeting will be recorded and a link to the recording will be available approximately two weeks after the meeting date on the Low Carbon Transportation Investments and AQIP Meetings and Workshops webpage.
Research Screening Committee Meeting: On April 26 via remote access, CARB will host a public meeting in which the Research Screening Committee (RSC) will review written comments received regarding the scientific methods or other scientific aspects of research projects. In addition to discussing research proposals, an update on research planning will also be provided. CARB’s RSC reviews projects funded, or proposed for funding, by CARB and provides advice and recommendations to the Board. The committee consists of physicians, scientists, engineers, meteorologists, and other subject-matter experts who can effectively advise on CARB’s health, environmental justice, air quality, and climate research.
Board Meeting: On April 27 and 28, in Sacramento and via webcast, the Board will hear the following agenda items: 1) consideration of the Proposed In-Use Locomotive Regulation, which aims to reduce emissions from locomotives operating in California; and 2) consideration of the proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation, which aims to accelerate the widespread adoption of zero-emission vehicles in the medium- and heavy-duty sector and for light-duty package delivery vehicles.